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Forums - Sales Discussion - UNCHARTED BABY! Uncharted: Drakes Fortune moves 2 million units

I like your attitude dejerk is mocking this thread but hes a hater so screw him!

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matt247 said:
CGI-Quality said:
matt247 said:
It's pretty easy to sell a lot of games when it's bundled.


Oh not this bundled BS again. You nay sayers really need some new material, this one has gotten very old. And just like Spartan asked, when was Uncharted bundled? Anyway OT: This masterpiece deserves all the sales it got and then some, Uncharted, IMO, is still the best looking console game to date with some of the best physics and animation (thanks to PS3 hardware) a current gen title can have. All in all AAA title for PS3 which already has MASSIVE anticipation of it's sequel. To my fellow PS3 bros: UNCHARTED BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


It was bundled a long time ago and it's being bundled again. Never said anything bad about the game, just that bundled games sell a lot. Just look at all of the other bundled games and how many copies they sold.

yeah like forza 2. It would've been lucky to hit 2 million without being bundled forever with the 360.


Have you even played Uncharted Dmeister?

Great 4 Uncharted looking forward 2 Uncharted 2


Parasitic said:

I probably can't talk since I've only played the demo, but the game doesn't seem that impressive from what I've heard/played. Everytime someone says to buy it cause it has good graphics (which happens so often), it makes me even less interested in it.

I'll buy it eventually, but it's still really low-priority for me. I'd still take another Resident Evil remake over it.

The demo is a vague representation of the full game so you need to rent it or give it a chance :p


It is pure awesomeness.

Check out my game about moles ^

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Uncharted is one of the best games ever made.

The only games that have true legs are the nintendo wii titles.

Games with great sales usually "built " fanbases for the franchises. We'll see what resistance 2 will do and honestly i expect uncharted 2 to underperform too, but that's too far into the future.

I understand that it hurts watching MS releasing hit after hit (halo3, gears 1/2, mass effect, fable 2, crackdown e.t.c)while Sony with its "great" 1st party division still hasn't released a game to catch the imagination of the gaming public outside of gaming forums  but creating imaginary sales for games that are nowhere to be seen in any chart around the world screams desperation.

Let's see if resistance 2 can break the record for biggest NPD month for a sony game (hlep by GT5:P with 230-240k)

Gears of War also had massive legs...

I guess it's good that one of the highest rated exclusives for the Playstation 3 finally made it to 2m. I guess Wii/X360 owners are too used to it to start threads like this.

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.

Yes very much so deserved. Great game. And yes started off slow and still made it. Maybe this will make people stop being hypocritical to when other games start off slow and they bash them as flops eh.

Nice for Uncharted. Hopefully Uncharted 2 will do twice as better as the first one.