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The only games that have true legs are the nintendo wii titles.

Games with great sales usually "built " fanbases for the franchises. We'll see what resistance 2 will do and honestly i expect uncharted 2 to underperform too, but that's too far into the future.

I understand that it hurts watching MS releasing hit after hit (halo3, gears 1/2, mass effect, fable 2, crackdown e.t.c)while Sony with its "great" 1st party division still hasn't released a game to catch the imagination of the gaming public outside of gaming forums  but creating imaginary sales for games that are nowhere to be seen in any chart around the world screams desperation.

Let's see if resistance 2 can break the record for biggest NPD month for a sony game (hlep by GT5:P with 230-240k)