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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Official Castlevania Judgment Thread

Actually I screw with Aeons by using Alucards spirit non charged move, before I attack, they all seem to think it's cool to use his parry so it's a sure fire hit and even if they block it I still have options.

Alucard has a few combos with the cross, but really he's a pressure game fiend, in my hands I just lock down and every combo leads into two hits that do massive damage at the end.. punishment hits if you don't recover.

Also Alucards Block attack is comboable, jump and do a regular attack then do the cross to cancel the attack in the air, the cross knocks them up enough for you to land his 5 hit combo and follow it up. roughly 50%

Carmilla is nasty, 70% combos with her are not fun to be cought in... I can't do them online though, the timing is way too hard.

I'm Unamerica and you can too.

The Official Huge Monster Hunter Thread: 

The Hunt Begins 4/20/2010 =D

Around the Network

Oh I see. Yeah, they are really fast, I have the same problem with Simon against them, but there are other ways. But yeah, even if I do the counter (roll - attack) they are fast enough to defend.
A counter like Street Fighter Alpha, that take half of the Hyper bar, would had been great I think. Maybe for the sequel.

Castlevania Judgment FC:     1161 - 3389 - 1512

3DS Friend Code:   3480-2746-6289

Wii Friend Code: 4268-9719-1932-3069

@ dib8rman

That combo sounds amazing! I have to try it.

Castlevania Judgment FC:     1161 - 3389 - 1512

3DS Friend Code:   3480-2746-6289

Wii Friend Code: 4268-9719-1932-3069

nice dib8rman

never thought of it like that...hmmm...and yeah..carmilla can be mean XD

but indeed..but Death and Dracula spammers are annoying..they hardly move..right?

force them to move

To the contrary, most Death players move, they just move to the other end of the map, and spam that long range sickle or if they have a special gauge they spam the ball that holds you in one place, then use the special. The ball moves so fast that you can't even dodge it, I get past 2 or 3 but it's spammable and end up getting cought or they run to the other end of the map again. The sad thing is Death has some sick combos and nice ways of getting in... He doesn't have to be played like that, but everyone I've fought persists on running to the other end, it's like there is a rule or something that you have to play like that... Did I miss the memo?

I'm Unamerica and you can too.

The Official Huge Monster Hunter Thread: 

The Hunt Begins 4/20/2010 =D

Around the Network

I guess you did: it's the easieest way to beat PC be smarter..just block that damn thing..

move in close and block..don't get caught in's insta pun


you should get close somehow..making use of your environment...and sub-weapons..if all else could dodge...but that makes you vulnerable at the end animation AND the ball is locks onto you..but the faster it goes, the less it can you could dodge IF you're far away..don't try to dodge if you're close..

the ball WILL hit you

as for them running..yeah..very FFing gay..

Also you guys keep worrying about a parry button, you guys do realize if you pay attention to what your oppnent is doing, you can block and evade the high lag moves. (Gaurd Breakers or specials) With Alucard I only teleport around when I'm charging his special or item or when I'm blocking and I see a high lag move. It makes more sense than blocking a jab and countering with a fierce punch like in third impact where Ken could parry Chun-Li's kick special and go into his fierce kick and connect it with his specials.

I'm Unamerica and you can too.

The Official Huge Monster Hunter Thread: 

The Hunt Begins 4/20/2010 =D

The thing about Alucard is that he can only fight people fighting him, and in some cases people within a certain range who are running, but for the most part Death players do the sky run, where he jumps in the air and flys away, that makes him totally safe from any of my options and his flying is faster than Alucards running.

The thing about that ball is that, its not the main problem, its just that eventually my gaurd will break, and if that happens they will use the scythe thing to which Death will teleport right to it and that leads into massive combos, from the other side of the map. Not a problem but then they run again.

Like I said my way around it is to always when I play online to pick the smallest stages until I'm confident that I'm not playing that kind of player.

I'm Unamerica and you can too.

The Official Huge Monster Hunter Thread: 

The Hunt Begins 4/20/2010 =D

dib8rman said:
Also you guys keep worrying about a parry button, you guys do realize if you pay attention to what your oppnent is doing, you can block and evade the high lag moves. (Gaurd Breakers or specials) With Alucard I only teleport around when I'm charging his special or item or when I'm blocking and I see a high lag move. It makes more sense than blocking a jab and countering with a fierce punch like in third impact where Ken could parry Chun-Li's kick special and go into his fierce kick and connect it with his specials.


But not the fast moves. For example, using Simon against Cornell, if the opponent is doing normal attacks and I evade them, when I stand up and counter-attack many times the opponent will hit me instead because of the faster animation.

But I'm still looking for other options, like doing a special attack instead of normal, it had positive results most of times.

Castlevania Judgment FC:     1161 - 3389 - 1512

3DS Friend Code:   3480-2746-6289

Wii Friend Code: 4268-9719-1932-3069

Cornell is good but he has a lot of tells, most players look for going into his werewolf form special and that is easily stoppable, I don't normally even try to dodge him just stay in his face and I'm fine, as long as he doesn't get a chance to start his teleporting stuff then the match is one, with Alucard it's easy because I have my semi traps that mess him up when he goes on offense also...

I'm guessing your using Aeon, so you could try using your parry, if that doesn't work which it should because you can parry Alucards special attack dash slash... then your best bet would be camp until you get your clock green, then punish him with that clock thing in the air, does half life on all hits.

Honestly I haven't tried Aeon much but he has some nice moves when people stop running with him...

I'm Unamerica and you can too.

The Official Huge Monster Hunter Thread: 

The Hunt Begins 4/20/2010 =D