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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Who here with Xbox Live Gold would pay $65 U.S for it and why?

TRios_Zen said:
I pay $50 a year, and honestly, I don't think about it, I just click the re-new option when it comes around (February-ish). I think you can get it cheaper here if you search ($40), but that obviously might not apply outside the US (sorry).

If you don't play on-line that often, I'd recommend against it, unless you have a burning desire to spend that extra money.

As to your two points about not playing on-line:

- Find a good group of people you enjoy playing with and play with them...only one of my friends on my XBL friends list is an "in the flesh" friend. All others are on-line only friends.
- Typing?? Headsets, baby. The chat pad works for quick messages, but nothing beats a good headset (Turtle beach).

For what I do, Gears, Gears 2, Left 4 Dead, *occasionally* Halo 3, I don't mind the cost at all.


True, but sometimes I dislike voice messages because I can't hear them when I'm on my computer at work/school, you need to be on your console to hear voice messages. I don't know about you guys, but I type VERY fast, so I prefer to write out really long messages in a few seconds on All you have to do is sign in and you can do everything you can normally do on your 360, except leave/listen voice messages. You can even check your recent player lists and see the last 50-100(?) people or so you played with online, incase they're not on your friends list.


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250gig FFXIII SE Xbox 360, 250gig Xbox 360 S, black Wii, 120gig PS3 Slim, soon to be 3DS *___*

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twesterm said:
Why would you pay $65?

You can get 13 months for $39.


 He's from NZ, though, one would assume that activation codes aren't region locked... mind you, they can be on the PS3, so, I dunno.

How about using a keyboard when writing messages via Xbox LIVE ? ;)

I have been a gold subscriber since the consoles release. The $65 a year make little to no difference in my auto withdrawal. That is one less fast food value meal a month, no biggie. I don't mind the monthly fee, (imo) it is worth it. Live has a huge network and I rarely have lag or disconnects. I download a lot of demo's/arcade games/anime/tv shows, and love the abundant choices.

Mostly I enjoy playing with my friends. I am in the military so I rarely get a chance to game with my friends in person who are scattered about the states. I rely on the network that Live provides to communicate and enjoy the experience with those who I am at a geographically disadvantage with.

I have found the matchmaking for online multi-player in Halo 3, L4D, and Gears 2 is pretty balanced. Those games are the games I am currently playing the most. I cant express the hours spent coordinating attacks and defense over Live with a group of friends via voice chat. The system works well and is pretty smooth with little wait or lag. I am currently playing L4D and enjoying every freaking minute of it. Live is awesome!

SamuelRSmith said:
twesterm said:
Why would you pay $65?

You can get 13 months for $39.


 He's from NZ, though, one would assume that activation codes aren't region locked... mind you, they can be on the PS3, so, I dunno.


Ah, yeah, I have no idea if those are region locked.

Whoops, and that card can only be shipped to US.

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Thanks, im going for it.

I've wanted to play Halo 3 for so long its crazy. Our gaming group broke up as its the end of semesters/exams so I haven't had a match for months... So really, litterally its my cravings for Halo 3 which is driving me.

So pretty much heres what im going to do.

1. Buy a new 360 - 60 GB $450 and the VGA cables along with some Xbox Live games like Castle Crashers. (When Jasper comes out, or before the end of December whichever comes first.) Seriously the Xbox 360 gets used 10-12 hours a day every day of the week and I kinda think its on its last legs after about a years use. I have 4 gamers in my house and a couple of them work shifts so they're up at 3am gaming.

2. Next month buy a Live Gold card + Live points card.


Wouldn't be hard to find a US buddy to ship the code to, and have him Email the activation code to you.

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.

Once you get online you will play with people and as you play you will make firends. When I started online I new no one I have 65 friends now and they are all cool to play with.

PS3, WII and 360 all great systems depends on what type of console player you are.

Currently playing Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2, Fallout 3, Halo ODST and Dragon Age Origins is next game

Xbox live:mywiferocks

Yeah, it is probably worth just getting a 3 month trial and giving it a go

Personally, I decided to get a 3-month card so that I can give Gears 2 and Fable 2 a go online, and I don't really see what all the fuss is about. Being able to send messages from my computer is a big bonus as I message my friend all the time and being able to download demos earlier is also really useful. If you have a PS3, and your friends aren't focused on XBL, I don't think it is really worth getting it permanently

Munkeh111 said:
Yeah, it is probably worth just getting a 3 month trial and giving it a go

Personally, I decided to get a 3-month card so that I can give Gears 2 and Fable 2 a go online, and I don't really see what all the fuss is about. Being able to send messages from my computer is a big bonus as I message my friend all the time and being able to download demos earlier is also really useful. If you have a PS3, and your friends aren't focused on XBL, I don't think it is really worth getting it permanently

Its really only my brother with a PS3, I don't actually personally know anyone with a next gen system. Not even a Wii!

