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Thanks, im going for it.

I've wanted to play Halo 3 for so long its crazy. Our gaming group broke up as its the end of semesters/exams so I haven't had a match for months... So really, litterally its my cravings for Halo 3 which is driving me.

So pretty much heres what im going to do.

1. Buy a new 360 - 60 GB $450 and the VGA cables along with some Xbox Live games like Castle Crashers. (When Jasper comes out, or before the end of December whichever comes first.) Seriously the Xbox 360 gets used 10-12 hours a day every day of the week and I kinda think its on its last legs after about a years use. I have 4 gamers in my house and a couple of them work shifts so they're up at 3am gaming.

2. Next month buy a Live Gold card + Live points card.
