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Forums - Gaming Discussion - What would happen in the console war if the PS3 got discontinued?

Well i dont think it will happen , even if PS3 is doing so badly and making big losses. But if this trend continues who knows?

What would happen i think Wii and 360 sales would go up significantly, few companies would loose a lot of money. And there would be a high self harm rate among some fanboys over the internet.

Around the Network
*~Onna76~* said:
If that will happen, I quit gaming, FOR GOOD! And I'm dead serious. PlayStation quit, I quit too!

And to say this... this thread is total "retard". What else would you expect... hah?


Good lord what happened to you Onna? When did you become so bitter? It's an electronic device not a family member.


I don't think any of the three consoles will be discontinued. At worst I see SCE making huge cuts, and taking a more fiscally responsible game strategy starting with the PS4. They have already made moves in that direction. They focusing more on their first party titles than ever. The PS3's always going to be hampered by its design and Kutaragi's utter disregard for the systems production costs.

To answer your question, if the PS3 did get discontinued, I think little would change. You'd see PS3 projects deep into production move to the 360 because it would be most cost effective. I still think third parties would be slow to embrace the Wii. They may throw Wii owners a few more bones than before but I wouldn't count on heavy support. I still think the Wii's best third party games will come from smaller developers looking to make a name for themselves. In fact, such a scenario would probably give small developers a little more leverage when dealing with big publishers that would be more desperate to gain revenue/profit from the Wii market.

Some possibilities.

1. Sony may figure they will never be profitable with the PS3 and discontinue it as soon as the PS4 is released.

2. Sony may find they cannot drop the price and therefore let the system slip into a distant third position.

3. Sony may be forced to discontinue the PS3 if their short term prospects are grim and they are forced to stop the bleeding immediately.


Squilliam said:
Some possibilities.

1. Sony may figure they will never be profitable with the PS3 and discontinue it as soon as the PS4 is released.

2. Sony may find they cannot drop the price and therefore let the system slip into a distant third position.

3. Sony may be forced to discontinue the PS3 if their short term prospects are grim and they are forced to stop the bleeding immediately.


That has nothing to do with this topic.

RolStoppable said:
V-r0cK said:
IMO If it happened then i'd find video games less appealing because I love Sony's overall variety of games. Like you can define an Xbox360 as a console full of shooters, and define a Wii as a console for fun parties / kids but Ive yet found what to define the PS3 because its library is more versitile. Again this is just my opinion as how I depic these consoles so i hope nobody will try to argue against ones opinion.

But to have the PS3 discontinued will not likely happen because its Sony's largest blu-ray player also. If Nintendo gamecube survived then the PS3 can easily.

Not this again. Why is this used so often? The Gamecube was profitable, the PS3 is a financial disaster.

possibly because Sony's revenue is more than 25 times that of Nintendo, their assets are at least 8-10 times as large, and they've made ~$500000000 profit as a company in each of the last 6 fiscal quarters.

The GameCube is a valid comparison because even though it was profitable, Nintendo's only business is video games and Sony is, well, Sony. (ie the biggest electonics/entertainment company in the world) They can (and have) taken a hit like that.


Not trying to be a fanboy. Of course, it's hard when you own the best console eve... dang it

Around the Network
Khuutra said:
Squilliam said:
Some possibilities.

1. Sony may figure they will never be profitable with the PS3 and discontinue it as soon as the PS4 is released.

2. Sony may find they cannot drop the price and therefore let the system slip into a distant third position.

3. Sony may be forced to discontinue the PS3 if their short term prospects are grim and they are forced to stop the bleeding immediately.


That has nothing to do with this topic.


That has nothing to do with this topic.




I for one would quit consoles and just play games on PC. Having said that I don't think the ps3 will be discontinued early. If nothing else it is still important for bluray's success.

By the way I realise that Sony isn't in the best position especially considering the world economic situation but the amount of Sony is doomed type threads is astounding.
It would be a dark day in gaming if they were to withdraw.



Squilliam said:
Khuutra said:
Squilliam said:
Some possibilities.

1. Sony may figure they will never be profitable with the PS3 and discontinue it as soon as the PS4 is released.

2. Sony may find they cannot drop the price and therefore let the system slip into a distant third position.

3. Sony may be forced to discontinue the PS3 if their short term prospects are grim and they are forced to stop the bleeding immediately.


That has nothing to do with this topic.


That has nothing to do with this topic.




"There has been plenty of discussion about that, so if you want to discuss the chances of that happening please do so in another thread such as this one or this one."

From the OP, thankee-sai.

V-r0cK said:
IMO If it happened then i'd find video games less appealing because I love Sony's overall variety of games. Like you can define an Xbox360 as a console full of shooters, and define a Wii as a console for fun parties / kids but Ive yet found what to define the PS3 because its library is more versitile. Again this is just my opinion as how I depic these consoles so i hope nobody will try to argue against ones opinion.

But to have the PS3 discontinued will not likely happen because its Sony's largest blu-ray player also. If Nintendo gamecube survived then the PS3 can easily.

talking about fanboys.....


Khuutra said:
Squilliam said:
Khuutra said:
Squilliam said:
Some possibilities.

1. Sony may figure they will never be profitable with the PS3 and discontinue it as soon as the PS4 is released.

2. Sony may find they cannot drop the price and therefore let the system slip into a distant third position.

3. Sony may be forced to discontinue the PS3 if their short term prospects are grim and they are forced to stop the bleeding immediately.


That has nothing to do with this topic.


That has nothing to do with this topic.




"There has been plenty of discussion about that, so if you want to discuss the chances of that happening please do so in another thread such as this one or this one."

From the OP, thankee-sai.

"When" has a lot of importance to the "What if" of this thread.

