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RolStoppable said:
V-r0cK said:
IMO If it happened then i'd find video games less appealing because I love Sony's overall variety of games. Like you can define an Xbox360 as a console full of shooters, and define a Wii as a console for fun parties / kids but Ive yet found what to define the PS3 because its library is more versitile. Again this is just my opinion as how I depic these consoles so i hope nobody will try to argue against ones opinion.

But to have the PS3 discontinued will not likely happen because its Sony's largest blu-ray player also. If Nintendo gamecube survived then the PS3 can easily.

Not this again. Why is this used so often? The Gamecube was profitable, the PS3 is a financial disaster.

possibly because Sony's revenue is more than 25 times that of Nintendo, their assets are at least 8-10 times as large, and they've made ~$500000000 profit as a company in each of the last 6 fiscal quarters.

The GameCube is a valid comparison because even though it was profitable, Nintendo's only business is video games and Sony is, well, Sony. (ie the biggest electonics/entertainment company in the world) They can (and have) taken a hit like that.


Not trying to be a fanboy. Of course, it's hard when you own the best console eve... dang it