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Forums - Sony Discussion - David Jaffe approves of GoW3 (graphics)

Garnett said:
bbsin said:
Garnett said:
bbsin said:
Garnett said:
bbsin said:
Garnett said:
Mature = Not cursing peroid..

One sign is presidency,you dont see Obama or McCain droping the F-Bomb every 2 seconds.

Second if hes not a fanboy he sounds like one "Xbots" is what PS fanboys call anyone who perfers the 360 over the PS3..

Third he works for Sony,you dont see Cliff saying "Yea i like Resistance but wait till you PS fuckers get a load of gears 2"

Jaffe is just riding his own nuts,building up Gears 2 then he put GoW3 over Gears 2.

Jesus Christ. Is David Jaffe a president? Are game designers supposed to hold a ideal level of "maturity"? I will tell you one thing Jaffe does better than Obama and McCain (or politicians in general), he's actually honest and gets to his point.

Secondly, I'd use the word "xbot" all time on moron 360 fanboys. If anything you're coming off as a fanboy because you think PSfanboys are the only ones that use "xbot" as a reference to bias retards that prefer 360 over "insert product here". Jaffe owns both a Wii and 360, and are friends with many 360 exclusive devs (including Cliffy B).

Finally, you're comparing Cliff to Jaffe. Just like how everyone compares Miyamoto to Jaffe. For what reason? You're trying to say that Cliff is full class and Jaffe isn't? You don't know either of them and yet you pass judgement as if it's "right" for one guy to act like the other. You have no right to pass any judgement.



I never said Jaffe was a president,i said presidents get respect by not acting like idots and talking like twelve year olds,I never recall any 360 FAN calling anyone a Xbot.

Why cant i compare them,Both are devs,both work for the game indrusty,im not saying Cliff is classy its just he dosent talk like most twelve year olds on Xbox live(OOOH BURN).



So... because presidents get respect for not acting like idoits (which is your opinion), Jaffe has to do the same? It wouldn't make sense for a 360 fan to call anyone a "Xbot", but shit, go around the web and you'll find plently of words fanboys throw at each other.

Also, You can't compare the two because none of them claimed to be better or even cares to be in an argument. You're implying that one person SHOULD be like someone else under your opinion,that foul langauge should not be tolerated, and by not using it, that person would be a better human being/game designer. You honestly don't see anything wrong with that?


A-Who would vote for a drunk hill billy president? no one,thats why you see presidents always in suits and look professional,they have to keep the look.

DId I vote for Bush? No. But he won anyway.

B-Exactly 360 fans dont call 360 fanboys "Xbots" thats what the PS fanboys call the 360 fanboys,its not 360 vs 360 its ,360 vs PS3 fanboys.

You got it wrong, I didn't say 360 fans don't call 360 fanboys "xbots". I was saying that 360 fanboys don't call 360 fans "xbots". Big difference on whether the person is a fanboy or not. In Jaffe's case, he's not, because he's like me. We own all 3 consoles and play them. Heck, point me out a xboxfanboy and I'll call him a Xbot right now if you don't believe me. Would that mean that I'm a not a 360 fan?

C-I nor they never said they were better than the other,i dont know where you got that from,i said Respect = no foul language,Im sure he is a good game developer,its the way he talks that makes him sound immature.

I fully understand what you are saying. The issue here is that in your OPINION, foul language =/= no respect = immaturity. You're passing off your opinion as fact. While I'm saying that there are people that are respected even if they use foul language and there are people are not repected even if they are polite. Do you understand? The way someone talks isn't THE determining factor on whether this person is a good human being/game dev/ mature/ intellegent.




A-Bush wasnt drunk,he wasnt swearing left and right,he wasnt immature.

You said drunk Hillbilly, Bush has been drunk before and is a Texan from the country. And yes, he is immature, outside of interviews.

B-Fans = Fans of ALL console,they like all...Fanboy = blind follower whos ingorant,or even somethings the smart fanboys who act like fans but arnt.

ermm what? You're calling Jaffe a "blind follower" yet he owns and plays all consoles, are friends with other devs that work for competing companies and rated GeOW2 above all other PS3 games that has been released thus far? I'm not getting what you're saying here.

C-foul language = no respect fact,now you can curse like a sailor and you can be the best human alive but when people read your stuff there gonna say "who is this idot who cant even speak without cursing" Its like if Obama would run for president if he was sagging? if he had a drew rag on and some nikes,NO people would of looked at him and say "hes trash from the streets"even if he is the best person in the world.

Again, that's only based on the perception of other people's opinions. David Jaffe doesn't care, neither do I. And like you said, it doesn't effect whether the person is a good person or not, only the way strangers may percieve you. But with this example, you're actually passing judgement on his character, which is a contradiction.

3 things make a person

1-How you speak

2.How you dress

3-Your personality

That is completely wrong. There are more than 3 things that make a person. For example, My grandfather was a farmer that got paid like shit, was very cocky and not easy to get along with, didn't even have shoes, and couldn't even speak in his native tougue correctly without slang WHILE using foul language. Yet he provided for, took care of, and raised 9 good kids. Are you telling me that my granddad was a bad person? OR are you going to retract that ignorant statement you've just made?

Im not trying to put him down im just saying he sounds like hes a teenager....or as hsrob said " he just sounds like he's trying way too hard to be cool.."

Bullshit, you ARE trying to put him down. You're trying to say that's he's immature and pass judgement on his character solely based on how he talks. Then you accused him of being a fanboy, which goes against all logic.


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Holy crap, guys. I came here expecting a discussion on GoWIII, and instead I find five pages of mindless arguing over personal etiquette.

JOKA_ said:
I think a little bit of swearing is fine. Jaffe goes over the top sometimes, but to me he comes off as a passionate and down to earth guy. He seems like someone who would be really easy to talk to.


This is exacly it.


I can go off like that too if i'm really excited about something. I fully understand why he said what he did. Imagine something you'd spent years making and you come back to see that it's been taken to the next level in your spirit. Ofcourse his excited !

Check out my game about moles ^

IMO, if a professional game developer wants to be respected as one, he/she should avoid words like "FUCK" and "SHIT."

Pixel Art can be fun.

I must say the vocabulary of Mr. Jaffe is very modern. I'm sure a lot here could relate to it haha.

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Nice to see the subject of manners matters to gamers!

OT sounds good, will wait until I see something myself before getting too excited.

Also, IMHO despite best efforts of guys like CliffyB (or Clifford if he likes) and Jaffe I just can't see game designers as rock'n'roll swearing muthers... but maybe that's just me.

Still, both Jaffe and Cliffy have delivered good games bought by millions so I will listen to what they say, even when I have to wade through what often seems like tons of 'fake' attitude.

Try to be reasonable... its easier than you think...

God all-mighty help me, people, could we drop the subject of David Jaffe? Dude kick-started an awesome series and is speaking on how cool it looks, is that not enough?

Jaffe's not some wet-behind-the-ears newbie who doesn't know the industry, so when he goes ape over tech chances are good it's for a legitimately good reason. Language that strong coming from him actually makes me curious.

Not to say that I expect graphics to make the game better (I will eventually buy it even if it just looks like God of War II), but I am curious and will be watching GameTrailers.

bugrimmar said:
why does he keep swearing like some pissed off 17 year old?

See GoW 3, and there's your anwser =P

I'm happy to know it looks good... otherwise, one wouldn't compare it to Gears 2... and swear a lot.

I still need to play 1 & 2 though.


Xen said:
bugrimmar said:
why does he keep swearing like some pissed off 17 year old?

See GoW 3, and there's your anwser =P

I'm happy to know it looks good... otherwise, one wouldn't compare it to Gears 2... and swear a lot.

I still need to play 1 & 2 though.



You should probably get on that soon, they're great games.

IllegalPaladin said:
Xen said:
bugrimmar said:
why does he keep swearing like some pissed off 17 year old?

See GoW 3, and there's your anwser =P

I'm happy to know it looks good... otherwise, one wouldn't compare it to Gears 2... and swear a lot.

I still need to play 1 & 2 though.



You should probably get on that soon, they're great games.

I will as soon as I have some free cash - I'm saving up for some PS3 games.