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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Reporting Someone for Piracy

The Anarchyz said:
twesterm said:
The Anarchyz said:
I still stand by my premise. The man is ADVERTISING HIMSELF. If he's doing advertising of copying games and selling them (The other two things are completely legal) he is either one of this things:

1. He is ignorant of the law: In that case is just mean to report him... And don't compare this with other illegal things, this world is not black and white...

2. He is stupid or not afraid: In this case, it will be messy and too complicated so it's not worth it.

3. He's smart enough, and he already knows how to fight this. They're too many loopholes that a good lawyer can use in this matter. In this case it will be pointless...

Either way, it's not worth it...


Now that i ended the practical way, i'm analyzing the moral grounds, so the question is: Is it the right thing to do??? i say yes, but only if it is for the right reasons, if i am bringing down a big fish that really hurts the industry because i care about it, and not just because i'm mad at people getting for free the things that i buy, then it's good, bringing down some puts that sells like 10 copies a month leave him alone, also the cops wouldn't care, now, when that man becomes a medium to big fish then it's right to do it... But again, for the right reasons...


It's completely worth it to report him.  Even if he does have some sort of loophole, chances are he's only going to be able to abuse it once.


Not necesarilly, if with that loophole he's declared not guilty and wins the case, he can do the same thing again and again and they can't accuse him because that qualifies as double jeopardy... Now to catch that guy again he must be doing something different to build it up as a new case with new evidence...

Now, if he doesn't get away and he's declared guilty or gets a settlement that's different...


Exploiting a loophole and then getting caught using that loophole means that hole gets patched.

And Garamond does a good enough job of explaining Double Jeopardy.  Just because I rob a gas station doesn't mean they can't get me the second but I couldn't be prosecuated for killing the same gas attendant twice.

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"I have a huge game collection for 360, PS3 and PC and every one of them are legitimate..."

You don't care about the industry. you just care that someone is getting for free what you had to pay for..its jealousy

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16-bit gamer said:
"I have a huge game collection for 360, PS3 and PC and every one of them are legitimate..."

You don't care about the industry. you just care that someone is getting for free what you had to pay for..its jealousy

By purchasing legitimate titles, we support the gaming industry.

By stealing, you support terrorism.  Don't let the terrorists win.


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i'm not saying i support piracy...i'm just pointing out this guys motives

At the name of YESHUA, EVERY KNEE WILL BOW, of those who are in heaven and on earth and under the earth (Philippians 2:10)

I have the biggest Wishlist on VGchartz

Mate i cant believe you would do this to him...Go talk to him first about it and warn him and then if he doesnt comply you can report but even still its pretty creul reporting something like that....Just imagaine he could go to jail just for making a few bucks and just so you can feel like you have done something good....You will do more harm than good in this situation


GT5 will sell 3.2million + first week on ps3 (made 06 March 2010)

FFXIII Versus will have higher Metacritic scores than FFXIII after the first month.... Bet going on with perpride - loser changes sig for a month

KH3 will be PS3 EXCLUSIVE - willing to bet removal from vgchartz for a month

Around the Network

By purchasing legitimate titles, we support the gaming industry.

By stealing, you support terrorism. Don't let the terrorists win.

- seriously get off it man....terrorism you say? many worse things that could are blowing it way out of proportion


GT5 will sell 3.2million + first week on ps3 (made 06 March 2010)

FFXIII Versus will have higher Metacritic scores than FFXIII after the first month.... Bet going on with perpride - loser changes sig for a month

KH3 will be PS3 EXCLUSIVE - willing to bet removal from vgchartz for a month

I know a guy that mods wiis & 360s and burns games as well. He's in a difficult program so he doesn't have the time to work. + his parents are poor & don't live in the same city. Hence he has to pay his own tuition fees & rent.

There isn't too much else he can do to attend school & make ends meet, do u think i should report him?

16-bit gamer said:
i'm not saying i support piracy...i'm just pointing out this guys motives


You have some *really* flawed logic.  I'll just leave it at that.

I know a guy that mods wiis & 360s and burns games as well. He's in a difficult program so he doesn't have the time to work. + his parents are poor & don't live in the same city. Hence he has to pay his own tuition fees & rent.

There isn't too much else he can do to attend school & make ends meet, do u think i should report him?

right dont know his situation or what the person has been through and you could essentially ruin his life just so you can feel all snooty and think that you are doing right.... sure if this guy was a big pirater it would be alright to report but i mean cmon have a little heart....its not like you have NEVER broken the law and dont bullshit anyone.......EVERYONE has broken the law in one way or another


GT5 will sell 3.2million + first week on ps3 (made 06 March 2010)

FFXIII Versus will have higher Metacritic scores than FFXIII after the first month.... Bet going on with perpride - loser changes sig for a month

KH3 will be PS3 EXCLUSIVE - willing to bet removal from vgchartz for a month

-No one looses money from piracy , it's money they don't gain or otherwise would have never got

thats true for some piraters.....most people who pirate a few games wont buy the game if they couldnt in those cases the company isnt losing any money and in fact they could be gaining a new fan or their work and say if they released another game on for example ps3 that person may be willing enough to buy that game......

before you flame this comment - it does happen even if sometimes


GT5 will sell 3.2million + first week on ps3 (made 06 March 2010)

FFXIII Versus will have higher Metacritic scores than FFXIII after the first month.... Bet going on with perpride - loser changes sig for a month

KH3 will be PS3 EXCLUSIVE - willing to bet removal from vgchartz for a month