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-No one looses money from piracy , it's money they don't gain or otherwise would have never got

thats true for some piraters.....most people who pirate a few games wont buy the game if they couldnt in those cases the company isnt losing any money and in fact they could be gaining a new fan or their work and say if they released another game on for example ps3 that person may be willing enough to buy that game......

before you flame this comment - it does happen even if sometimes


GT5 will sell 3.2million + first week on ps3 (made 06 March 2010)

FFXIII Versus will have higher Metacritic scores than FFXIII after the first month.... Bet going on with perpride - loser changes sig for a month

KH3 will be PS3 EXCLUSIVE - willing to bet removal from vgchartz for a month