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I know a guy that mods wiis & 360s and burns games as well. He's in a difficult program so he doesn't have the time to work. + his parents are poor & don't live in the same city. Hence he has to pay his own tuition fees & rent.

There isn't too much else he can do to attend school & make ends meet, do u think i should report him?

right dont know his situation or what the person has been through and you could essentially ruin his life just so you can feel all snooty and think that you are doing right.... sure if this guy was a big pirater it would be alright to report but i mean cmon have a little heart....its not like you have NEVER broken the law and dont bullshit anyone.......EVERYONE has broken the law in one way or another


GT5 will sell 3.2million + first week on ps3 (made 06 March 2010)

FFXIII Versus will have higher Metacritic scores than FFXIII after the first month.... Bet going on with perpride - loser changes sig for a month

KH3 will be PS3 EXCLUSIVE - willing to bet removal from vgchartz for a month