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Forums - Sales Discussion - Is there a chance the PS3 WON'T hit 20m this year?

TWRoO said:
Christ I thought is was a given they would reach 21 million (and X360 would reach 26.5)

I still think it will make 20 million though even if it is a close one.



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No it will.

I am willing to bet allot that it will not reach 20m this year!

    R.I.P Mr Iwata :'(

its not looking like it unless sony changes its mind on price cuts, or retailers decided to eat the losses to pur sales, no it wont reach 20 mill this year

come play minecraft @

minecraft name: hansrotec

XBL name: Goddog

Its possible, I think it might get to it

Off topic:

Wow soriku is very immature, ctk's sig is outstanding. If he cant walk next to a girl, then idk wtf is wrong with him


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I don't think it can either. This is going to be budget minded Christmas and $400 dollars on one gift (not including games and accessories) is going to be a tough sell to a lot of parents. PS3's will fly off the shelves at $199 Black Friday sales. But if your a parent and can get a 360 with two games for $199, a Wii with a game for $249, or a PS3 for $399, what are you going to choose?

The PS3 doesn't have a chance with it's price of selling 3 million anything this year.

It's a shame, because I thought the PS3 would get a guaranteed 21m this year. I guess with all that's going on, it will not.

Leatherhat on July 6th, 2012 3pm. Vita sales:"3 mil for COD 2 mil for AC. Maybe more. "  thehusbo on July 6th, 2012 5pm. Vita sales:"5 mil for COD 2.2 mil for AC."

We have to wait till week of black friday numbers to see where the console stands... even then we should wait for shipment numbers... remember last year? ioi severly undertracked the ps3 during the holidays (more than 500k if i remember correctly. every 360 fan was claiming holiday victory until the adjustments put the ps3 in front) During regular periods the consoles should have about 900k - 1.1 million difference in shipment to sales. Before the holidays it should have about 1.3 - 1.5 million difference and after holidays it should have 500k - 700k difference

It's very unlikely. Xmas boosts for non leading consoles aren't that big.

To tell you the truth, I'm amazed that so many users put a 2 in the 10 million digit in their predictions. I mean, this implies the PS3 sells more than its LTD by 2007 in one year!

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