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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Do thirdparties dislike Nintendo?

BMaker11 said:
The Ghost of RubangB said:
Well, if you're sick of sequelitis like I am, then shovelware and ports are more appetizing than "MAJOR SEQUELS" to old and busted franchises. I think it's actually PS360's turn to get something as new and unique as Elebits or bring back a long-dead genre with a new IP like Zack and Wiki. I really don't see a problem here on the Wii front, unless I had some sort of disease that meant I needed 5 new games per month. Besides, I've got hundreds of old games to catch up with anyway.

Uhhh....Mario? Zelda? Metroid? Discounting Final Fantasy because in actuality, each installation is a legitimately separate game, but the "MAJOR SEQUELS" of which you speak on the PS3/360 are at 4, maybe 5 for each series. Mario Galaxy is proabaly like Super Mario World 20 or something like that if ti were given a number.

And if you want to talk about bringing in fresh IPs and such, go play LBP or maybe some XBLA or PSN games


You can level the sequelitis complaint at Zelda to a certain degree and Mtroid to a lesser one, but we've had one major Mario game per gen since the SNES and all of them have been more or less completely different experiences.

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I think they do since I cannot understand how world at war and svr sell bad on wii while they sell pretty good on other consoles.

Khuutra said:
BMaker11 said:
The Ghost of RubangB said:
Well, if you're sick of sequelitis like I am, then shovelware and ports are more appetizing than "MAJOR SEQUELS" to old and busted franchises. I think it's actually PS360's turn to get something as new and unique as Elebits or bring back a long-dead genre with a new IP like Zack and Wiki. I really don't see a problem here on the Wii front, unless I had some sort of disease that meant I needed 5 new games per month. Besides, I've got hundreds of old games to catch up with anyway.

Uhhh....Mario? Zelda? Metroid? Discounting Final Fantasy because in actuality, each installation is a legitimately separate game, but the "MAJOR SEQUELS" of which you speak on the PS3/360 are at 4, maybe 5 for each series. Mario Galaxy is proabaly like Super Mario World 20 or something like that if ti were given a number.

And if you want to talk about bringing in fresh IPs and such, go play LBP or maybe some XBLA or PSN games


You can level the sequelitis complaint at Zelda to a certain degree and Mtroid to a lesser one, but we've had one major Mario game per gen since the SNES and all of them have been more or less completely different experiences.

Super Mario Bros., Super Mario Bros.: Lost Levels, Super Mario Bros. 2 (the remake of Lost Levels), Super Mario bros. 3, Super Mario Land (GB) Super Mario Land 2 (GB), Super Mario World, Super Mario World 2, Super Mario 64, Super Mario Sunshine, Super Mario Galaxy

Not to mention all the other stuff with "Mario" in it. And I don't think the core gameplay has changed much between any of those games, other than the jump from 2D to 3D



BMaker11 said:
Khuutra said:
BMaker11 said:
The Ghost of RubangB said:
Well, if you're sick of sequelitis like I am, then shovelware and ports are more appetizing than "MAJOR SEQUELS" to old and busted franchises. I think it's actually PS360's turn to get something as new and unique as Elebits or bring back a long-dead genre with a new IP like Zack and Wiki. I really don't see a problem here on the Wii front, unless I had some sort of disease that meant I needed 5 new games per month. Besides, I've got hundreds of old games to catch up with anyway.

Uhhh....Mario? Zelda? Metroid? Discounting Final Fantasy because in actuality, each installation is a legitimately separate game, but the "MAJOR SEQUELS" of which you speak on the PS3/360 are at 4, maybe 5 for each series. Mario Galaxy is proabaly like Super Mario World 20 or something like that if ti were given a number.

And if you want to talk about bringing in fresh IPs and such, go play LBP or maybe some XBLA or PSN games


You can level the sequelitis complaint at Zelda to a certain degree and Mtroid to a lesser one, but we've had one major Mario game per gen since the SNES and all of them have been more or less completely different experiences.

Super Mario Bros., Super Mario Bros.: Lost Levels, Super Mario Bros. 2 (the remake of Lost Levels), Super Mario bros. 3, Super Mario Land (GB) Super Mario Land 2 (GB), Super Mario World, Super Mario World 2, Super Mario 64, Super Mario Sunshine, Super Mario Galaxy

Not to mention all the other stuff with "Mario" in it. And I don't think the core gameplay has changed much between any of those games, other than the jump from 2D to 3D






"You can level the sequelitis complaint at Zelda to a certain degree and Mtroid to a lesser one, but we've had one major Mario game per gen since the SNES and all of them have been more or less completely different experiences."

"but we've had one major Mario game per gen since the SNES and all of them have been more or less completely different experiences."

"we've had one major Mario game per gen since the SNES"

"since the SNES"

^Even the since is not required,as SMW2 was a Yoshi platformer

"The accumulated filth of all their sex and murders will foam up about their waist and all the whores and politicians will look up and shout "Save us!"...

 ....and I'll look down and whisper  "no."  

                                                                   - Rorschach

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Third parties want the Wii to fail terribly. The Wii got 50% of the total marketshare, it made them rethink their strategy, as the HD consoles aren't selling as everyone thought.

Companies like SE, Konami, Ubisoft, etc will make whatever they can to see the Wii fail. Even SE is risking to go bankrupt by ignoring the biggest userbase that is going to buy their games. There's some evil hate sometimes, I can't otherwise think but that some 3rd party upper heads are totally out of their minds and have a serious hate, one hate that's very dangerous and needs psychological help.

Nintendo will not go out of business, no matter how hard 3rd parties try. Next year, people will not buy the crap they intend to release, and I'm pretty sure about that. Nintendo should ban some third party devs or put a max amount of crap that is allowed to get released, or just demand a decent amount of quality. Look, Nintendo is gonna have the worst year ever in 2009, with only 2 - 3 first party games released. It's gonna be terrible for Nintendo fans, but if third parties can't use that chance, then they will never be able.

A lot of 3rd party devs will go bankrupt and blame Nintendo, but the only ones to blame will be themselves, as they tried to cash in on people more than once. People realize what's good and what's crap in the long run.

Proud poster of the 10000th reply at the Official Smash Bros Update Thread.

tag - "I wouldn't trust gamespot, even if it was a live comparison."

Bets with Conegamer:

Pandora's Tower will have an opening week of less than 37k in Japan. (Won!)
Pandora's Tower will sell less than 100k lifetime in Japan.
Stakes: 1 week of avatar control for each one.

Fullfilled Prophecies

@Khuutra: Some are trying to a degree. EA had Boom Blox, Ubisoft had Redsteel and RRR, Konami Eledees, despite of how the titles quality have been perceived, they were still attempts to try to compete. WiiWare has a number of fresh and innovative games. Capcom successfully killed Metroid Prime 3 sales, and we'll see how Monster Hunter 3 fares. High Voltage is developing the Conduit, pretty much the first Wii specific traditional higher budget shooter.
So, yes, there are attempts to compete and competing usually requires that you're not letting Nintendo be one step ahead of you and your game needs to have high quality. But, most of the developers just like to follow where someone already had success, which is because they don't want to take risks and that they believe in some magical "casual" market, that consume all the shit they put up.

@Bringbackchrono: Actually the 3rd parties don't need to put out games that use motion control. Problem with them is, that they believe that the motion controls is the reason why Wii sells. Brawl and SMG didn't make much of a use of the motion controls and both are high selling games. In their belief, 3rd parties just tack on the controls, ending fucking them up. PES would be an example how you can implement the controls properly.

Ei Kiinasti.

Eikä Japanisti.

Vaan pannaan jalalla koreasti.


Nintendo games sell only on Nintendo system.

I don't think I have to explain why Call of Duty: World at War sold much less compared to the "HD" consoles, but if anyone wants me to, I will. As for Smackdown vs. Raw, I don't think I have to explain that either. But if anyone wants me to, I will (and in detail).

As for 3rd parties "not knowing which genre is good to make games for on the Wii", I believe Nintendo has made a game for every genre and has even created a few genres of their own. The Wii has the identity of the casual console, but every genre has gotten a chance on the Wii, and succeeded. The "searching for a demographic" excuse cannot work anymore.

The excuses in general need to stop. I'm not complaining about 2009, I love what's coming up. I'm just wary of the ignorance some industry players have.

Leatherhat on July 6th, 2012 3pm. Vita sales:"3 mil for COD 2 mil for AC. Maybe more. "  thehusbo on July 6th, 2012 5pm. Vita sales:"5 mil for COD 2.2 mil for AC."

BMaker11 said:



Super Mario Bros., Super Mario Bros.: Lost Levels, Super Mario Bros. 2 (the remake of Lost Levels), Super Mario bros. 3, Super Mario Land (GB) Super Mario Land 2 (GB), Super Mario World, Super Mario World 2, Super Mario 64, Super Mario Sunshine, Super Mario Galaxy

Not to mention all the other stuff with "Mario" in it. And I don't think the core gameplay has changed much between any of those games, other than the jump from 2D to 3D

I have to disagree with this.

Super Mario Galaxy is certainly a very different game than Super Mario 64. I go as far as to say that they only similarity between them is that they are both 3d platformers.

 Galaxy navigates totally different as the view is seen from above in contrast to Mario 64´s more traditional 3d view and the gravity effects in Galaxy feels like nothing else before it. Also the whole feel to the game is in my opinion different from any other Mario before it. While the core of the game feels more like how classic 2dMario should feel like in 3d (in my opinion) with linear structure compared to Mario 64´s more emphasis on exploring, Galaxy does have this melancolie feeling, the music is both epic and full of sadness sometimes. Sure there are happy, splashy levels but this epic feeling is like nothing I´ve ever witnessed before in any Mariogame and didn´t think possible.





Oyvoyvoyv said:
--OkeyDokey-- said:

Just look at World at War sales. The sequel to the highest selling shooter of all time and it can't even break 100k on Wii while it's HD counterparts move multiple millions in the same time frame.

While I agree with what you say, I just have to state that Duck Hunt is a shooter, and has sold almost 30M, so it still is the best shooter of all time.



duck hunter was also a major bundle.... with the NES on multiple types of bundles, COD has not been bundled 

come play minecraft @

minecraft name: hansrotec

XBL name: Goddog