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I posted my thoughts about this in another similar thread, but I think Sony are done for. They just didnt play the game right IMO. I have a PS3 and am loving it but MS are much hungrier this gen and are being really aggressive in their business nature. I haven`t seen any aggressive business moves by Sony other than "talk talk talk". Although I am happy with my purchase, next gen I will wait a few months to see what each is offering. Wierd that Sony build a reliable quality machine with not many games on it and MS build a machine that has a history of breaking down but has a huge library to it! If Sony and MS end up being within a million or so then it`s hardly a win or a loss. If you`re gonna shout about winning this "war" then you have to dominate the market. Like PS2 did last gen and like Wii are doing now.

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They're not going to let 360 win.


Sony aren't going to decide anything, we the consumer are.


@Kantor... I take it from your reply that you must think the combined PS3 and 360 total is going to come close to what last gens 3 consoles managed? (or at least PS2+XB) which is laughable to say the least.

Combined the PS3 and 360 might just manage to exceed 100 million, but in the end the 6th gen will equal almost 200 million (minus 20-30 million if you excluded GC and or Dreamcast)

It is certainly not hard to believe a 6th of PS2 owners bought a Wii.... we are already 2 years into this generation after all. A time which last gen (aligning region launches) about 31 million PS2s had been sold.... which is 10 million more than my estimate puts PS2-->Wii pick up


In late Summer 2007 Nintendo put out some information saying that 95% of current Wii owners still owned or had owned a 6th gen console.... so just 5% of the sales at the time (5% about 12 million) were from gamers who had skipped gen 6 or past PC gamers, plus a some new gamers.

Given the low pick-up from new gamers at that point, 8-9 months after release, do you seriously believe that it has changed so drastically that since then, 80% have been new gamers? (if you work it out that should bring the total to around 55-60% like you guessed)

Yes more new gamers are being brought in to play on the Wii, but most of them are using Wii's bought by people who owned previous consoles.

Kantor said:
Kasz216 said:

Eh... you do realize that

A) Most PS2 users were casuals...

B) Not only casuals would want Wii Fit...

Infact, i'd say you'd be a pretty crappy gaming enthusist if you missed out on such a new way to play games.

Aside from which, the adoption rate numbers really bears out his arguement.  It's not likely that early adopters are going to become late adopters... so you gotta figure at least as many people who bought in last generation at this point bought in this generation already.

Quite possible, but it wasn't like a 90%/10% split.

And how am I not a gamer for not wanting to play a 'game' where I do yoga?

EDIT: No offence to anybody who likes Wii Fit.

But for me, it's twice the price of a regular game, and something I could do for free.


It was actually probably around there.

As for why?  Because they way you do it is a completly new way to play a game.  The Balance Board is again an interesting new take on controller imputs.

How can you really be a fan and not want to try out the new advances in your field?

That's like calling yourself a movie fan yet only watching Steven Seagal films.


Kasz216 said:
Kantor said:
Kasz216 said:

Eh... you do realize that

A) Most PS2 users were casuals...

B) Not only casuals would want Wii Fit...

Infact, i'd say you'd be a pretty crappy gaming enthusist if you missed out on such a new way to play games.

Aside from which, the adoption rate numbers really bears out his arguement.  It's not likely that early adopters are going to become late adopters... so you gotta figure at least as many people who bought in last generation at this point bought in this generation already.

Quite possible, but it wasn't like a 90%/10% split.

And how am I not a gamer for not wanting to play a 'game' where I do yoga?

EDIT: No offence to anybody who likes Wii Fit.

But for me, it's twice the price of a regular game, and something I could do for free.


It was actually probably around there.

As for why?  Because they way you do it is a completly new way to play a game.  The Balance Board is again an interesting new take on controller imputs.

How can you really be a fan and not want to try out the new advances in your field?

That's like calling yourself a movie fan yet only watching Steven Seagal films.


It's like being a gourmet and not eating McDonalds.


(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

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TWRoO said:
Bitmap Frogs said:
And the pendulum swings again. Threads like this were being made about the 360 a few months ago.

Just chill, the 360 and the ps3 will keep playing trading places the rest of the gen and by the end it'll be a virtual tie.

If you care about your HD games it's not the breakdown between ps3 and 360 that should bother you, but rather the wii not crossing the 50% treshold.

That is *insert Agent Smith here* inevitable though.



Indeed it is. As of today the question is when rather than if....

Current-gen game collection uploaded on the profile, full of win and good games; also most of my PC games. Lucasfilm Games/LucasArts 1982-2008 (Requiescat In Pace).

Sony isn't done yet, but I doubt they will win this holiday against the 360.

There needs to be some kind of price cut next year to even think about closing up this gap it has between it and the 360. As for it having a game that could spur up sales, it will not. MGS4 showed how long a game's release could have an effect on hardware sales.

The next game that will be able to do that is FF XIII. I don't see anything else on the horizon that will be able to do so, at least not in Americas/EU. Japan has those hardware-pushing games sometimes.

Leatherhat on July 6th, 2012 3pm. Vita sales:"3 mil for COD 2 mil for AC. Maybe more. "  thehusbo on July 6th, 2012 5pm. Vita sales:"5 mil for COD 2.2 mil for AC."

Kantor said:
Kasz216 said:
Kantor said:
Kasz216 said:

Eh... you do realize that

A) Most PS2 users were casuals...

B) Not only casuals would want Wii Fit...

Infact, i'd say you'd be a pretty crappy gaming enthusist if you missed out on such a new way to play games.

Aside from which, the adoption rate numbers really bears out his arguement.  It's not likely that early adopters are going to become late adopters... so you gotta figure at least as many people who bought in last generation at this point bought in this generation already.

Quite possible, but it wasn't like a 90%/10% split.

And how am I not a gamer for not wanting to play a 'game' where I do yoga?

EDIT: No offence to anybody who likes Wii Fit.

But for me, it's twice the price of a regular game, and something I could do for free.


It was actually probably around there.

As for why?  Because they way you do it is a completly new way to play a game.  The Balance Board is again an interesting new take on controller imputs.

How can you really be a fan and not want to try out the new advances in your field?

That's like calling yourself a movie fan yet only watching Steven Seagal films.


It's like being a gourmet and not eating McDonalds.

Gourmet's aren't enthusiasts. Gourmands are.

Gourmets are people who just like a certain type of food.

They don't enjoy all food or all culinary arts.

They just like what they like.

Keep in mind most critics and experts tend to fall in the later category.

People like Roger Ebert enjoy all genres of movies etc.

Furthermore, you don't even really have a point... if McDonals was a completely new piece of food you'd have a point.

If anything, it's more like someone who eats at the olive garden every week not wanting to try a new culinary receipe.

Kasz216 said:
Kantor said:
Kasz216 said:
Kantor said:
Kasz216 said:

Eh... you do realize that

A) Most PS2 users were casuals...

B) Not only casuals would want Wii Fit...

Infact, i'd say you'd be a pretty crappy gaming enthusist if you missed out on such a new way to play games.

Aside from which, the adoption rate numbers really bears out his arguement.  It's not likely that early adopters are going to become late adopters... so you gotta figure at least as many people who bought in last generation at this point bought in this generation already.

Quite possible, but it wasn't like a 90%/10% split.

And how am I not a gamer for not wanting to play a 'game' where I do yoga?

EDIT: No offence to anybody who likes Wii Fit.

But for me, it's twice the price of a regular game, and something I could do for free.


It was actually probably around there.

As for why?  Because they way you do it is a completly new way to play a game.  The Balance Board is again an interesting new take on controller imputs.

How can you really be a fan and not want to try out the new advances in your field?

That's like calling yourself a movie fan yet only watching Steven Seagal films.


It's like being a gourmet and not eating McDonalds.

Gourmet's aren't enthusiasts. Gourmands are.

Gourmets are people who just like a certain type of food.

They don't enjoy all food or all culinary arts.

They just like what they like.

Why would I spend money on a console I don't want, and spend almost as much money on a game that doesn't appeal to me, just to 'experience a new way to play a game'

It's not a game, it's an exercise programme. I'm not spending 400 US$ on an exercise programme.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

Kantor said:
Kasz216 said:
Kantor said:
Kasz216 said:
Kantor said:
Kasz216 said:

Eh... you do realize that

A) Most PS2 users were casuals...

B) Not only casuals would want Wii Fit...

Infact, i'd say you'd be a pretty crappy gaming enthusist if you missed out on such a new way to play games.

Aside from which, the adoption rate numbers really bears out his arguement.  It's not likely that early adopters are going to become late adopters... so you gotta figure at least as many people who bought in last generation at this point bought in this generation already.

Quite possible, but it wasn't like a 90%/10% split.

And how am I not a gamer for not wanting to play a 'game' where I do yoga?

EDIT: No offence to anybody who likes Wii Fit.

But for me, it's twice the price of a regular game, and something I could do for free.


It was actually probably around there.

As for why?  Because they way you do it is a completly new way to play a game.  The Balance Board is again an interesting new take on controller imputs.

How can you really be a fan and not want to try out the new advances in your field?

That's like calling yourself a movie fan yet only watching Steven Seagal films.


It's like being a gourmet and not eating McDonalds.

Gourmet's aren't enthusiasts. Gourmands are.

Gourmets are people who just like a certain type of food.

They don't enjoy all food or all culinary arts.

They just like what they like.

Why would I spend money on a console I don't want, and spend almost as much money on a game that doesn't appeal to me, just to 'experience a new way to play a game'

It's not a game, it's an exercise programme. I'm not spending 400 US$ on an exercise programme.

Because your not really a gaming enthusaist.  Your just someone who likes to play games.

You've got no overarching love for the industry as a whole... your not willing to expierence how everything is expanding and judging completely new expierences before trying them.

You're just not as "hardcore" as you think you are.

Still we're getting off the point.... that a lot of people who really like gaming would actually want to buy Wii fit.

I mean hell, all the proof you need is right here.