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Sony isn't done yet, but I doubt they will win this holiday against the 360.

There needs to be some kind of price cut next year to even think about closing up this gap it has between it and the 360. As for it having a game that could spur up sales, it will not. MGS4 showed how long a game's release could have an effect on hardware sales.

The next game that will be able to do that is FF XIII. I don't see anything else on the horizon that will be able to do so, at least not in Americas/EU. Japan has those hardware-pushing games sometimes.

Leatherhat on July 6th, 2012 3pm. Vita sales:"3 mil for COD 2 mil for AC. Maybe more. "  thehusbo on July 6th, 2012 5pm. Vita sales:"5 mil for COD 2.2 mil for AC."