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Kasz216 said:
Kantor said:
Kasz216 said:
Kantor said:
Kasz216 said:

Eh... you do realize that

A) Most PS2 users were casuals...

B) Not only casuals would want Wii Fit...

Infact, i'd say you'd be a pretty crappy gaming enthusist if you missed out on such a new way to play games.

Aside from which, the adoption rate numbers really bears out his arguement.  It's not likely that early adopters are going to become late adopters... so you gotta figure at least as many people who bought in last generation at this point bought in this generation already.

Quite possible, but it wasn't like a 90%/10% split.

And how am I not a gamer for not wanting to play a 'game' where I do yoga?

EDIT: No offence to anybody who likes Wii Fit.

But for me, it's twice the price of a regular game, and something I could do for free.


It was actually probably around there.

As for why?  Because they way you do it is a completly new way to play a game.  The Balance Board is again an interesting new take on controller imputs.

How can you really be a fan and not want to try out the new advances in your field?

That's like calling yourself a movie fan yet only watching Steven Seagal films.


It's like being a gourmet and not eating McDonalds.

Gourmet's aren't enthusiasts. Gourmands are.

Gourmets are people who just like a certain type of food.

They don't enjoy all food or all culinary arts.

They just like what they like.

Why would I spend money on a console I don't want, and spend almost as much money on a game that doesn't appeal to me, just to 'experience a new way to play a game'

It's not a game, it's an exercise programme. I'm not spending 400 US$ on an exercise programme.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective