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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - NXE shortened MassEffect Loads by 1/2!!

I have been playing Mass Effect for about a week now and have been loving it, but the loadtimes really suck, not as much as Lost Odysey though.

So yesterday I downloaded NXE and installed Mass Effect onto my HDD. (While making a sandwich, wink wink) Anyway after that I noticed the loadtimes in game have more than halfed. They are not anoying anymore. This includes loading a file landing on a planet or general loading within an area. In 2 hours of play I saved what felt like at least 5 min. of load time, not sure if it was really that much or not. - Not to mention that its nice not to hear the CD drive spinning.

I plan on trying LO this week to see if it speeds that game up.


Has anyone else noticed significant differances in their ingame load times?


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What was the install size?

I installed Fable II last night and it was 6.7GB. I will try Lost Odyssey, hopefully it takes care of those annoying 15+ second load times.

I like the optional installs, what I don't like is the size of the file. I only have a 20GB.

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From what i gathered it's about (1 minute and 20-30 seconds) per gig or so to be downloaded to the HD.


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@Euphoria14 - I didn't check the install size, I'll look tonight. For your sake I hope LO only requires you to install the disk you are currently playing, otherwise your going to have a hard time.

Did the install for Fable II improve loads?

^Not really, it still took ages just to load up my saved game file. I didn't run around enough so I have no idea if it helps with anything else, although just going by what I have seen so far, it makes little to no difference.

LO is going to suck with installs though, for each disc you play you will need to to install it. At 6GB or so per disc that is a big ass file. 24GB to play LO without the crap load times.

I also think you are correct. If you are on Disc 1, you will only need Disc 1 installed. It wouldn't make any sense to require a Disc 2 install to play your Disc 1 install.


Yeah that seems about right. Fable 2 took a little over 10 minutes to install.

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Glad it did that to mass effect. However i am still pissed it doesnt do shit for Halo 3. You even get a pop up saying "This game was meant to be played off the disk, if you play it off yopur hard drive it will be slower and you freinds will laugh at you".

I am not joking...

Yup I noticed the load times decreased a lot.. although from time to time it still pauses to load stuff so its in the programing..

Lost Odyssey also benefits greatly from the install and it feels MUCH more polished.  I've not installed all the discs only just disc 4. But its about 6.8GB

From what I hear Lost Odyssey is a 23GB install. I have 93GB's free on my HDD so I'll do it just to see what the differences will be.

Yeah...I have the PC version, so it's always faster :p

Bet with disolitude: Left4Dead will have a higher Metacritic rating than Project Origin, 3 months after the second game's release.  (hasn't been 3 months but it looks like I won :-p )

I probably need to get a 120gb or 60 hdd, but the price needs to come down first...

Installing LO would help when I get back to it, the problem with ME is that the elevator rides aren't going to be any shorter are they? But of course it will stop the stuttering and decrease the late loading textures