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Forums - Sales Discussion - Is Wii demand waning? Stock market says "yes"

Maybe some weasels are trying a little agiotage to buy Nintendo shares at a lower than right value to make quick money?

Stwike him, Centuwion. Stwike him vewy wuffly! (Pontius Pilate, "Life of Brian")
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I'd say if you sell 600k of something in a week, compared to your competitors selling at best half of that, theres pretty healthy demand for your product.

i just had an economics test =D

Anyways supply is up, thats why ebay price is down definately...

whereas stock is down 4 percent, well like everyone said, due to the recession now... Nothing to worry abt

It would seem logical to me that demand is down for the Wii. About 8 million households in the US that were looking for the Wii last year, are no longer looking for the Wii this year.

Member of the Pikmin Fan Club

sparkit34 said:
It would seem logical to me that demand is down for the Wii. About 8 million households in the US that were looking for the Wii last year, are no longer looking for the Wii this year.

There you go.  Case closed.

Or is it?  Maybe 8 million new households demand a Wii, households that previously did not want one?

You see, the thing is that demand might be down a little, might be the same, or might be up.  You just can't predict based on your gut instinct.  Then there's that whole pesky supply side of the equation.

the2bears - the indie shmup blog
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dolemit3 said:
Avinash_Tyagi said:
dolemit3 said:
The article is taking about the demand, not the sales. The sales are clearly up, but the demand appears to be nowhere near where it was one year ago.


Demand is not measurable on its own, you can't go up to everyone in America and ask if they want a Wii


You can estimate the demand from the sales on Ebay and such. Last year the price was hovering near 400 bucks and now it's about 250 bucks if not lower. The demand is clearly down, hence the drop of Nintendo on the stock market.


Correction - That's availability/supply. Wii's are more in stock this year than the previous years. People can pay normal price for them, since they can get them from retail outlets more readily. The demand itself IS driven/proven by sales. Stock markets fluctuate in of themselves. Considering how unstable the global market is, Nintendo losing 4 points in the market is nothing, and definitely not a way to prove nor disprove how "in-demand" the Wii is. Compare last year's sales to this years, and you will find your answer.

Well technically demand is down....relative to supply =P

My point being that just because the price on ebay is down doesn't mean demand is down. If last year there were 400k people in NA who wanted a Wii during this week but only 300k units were available there would be a higher premium on the console than this year when 380k units were available for the same 400k people.

Honestly there is a good chance that demand is up as well as is probably up more than demand though. This is good because it means Nintendo is finally starting to catch up and we should start seeing consoles readily available for purchase sometime early next year.

Unless of course this is just another lull where the people who decided to wait until it was available come piling out of the woodwork and put it back in low supply again =P

To Each Man, Responsibility

How can the demand for Wiis get less when it clearly sell more and more console each week?

Well until everyone has one then I guess the demand will be meet.

If it isn't turnbased it isn't worth playing   (mostly)

And shepherds we shall be,

For Thee, my Lord, for Thee. Power hath descended forth from Thy hand, That our feet may swiftly carry out Thy command. So we shall flow a river forth to Thee And teeming with souls shall it ever be. In Nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritūs Sancti. -----The Boondock Saints

Wii demand hasn't peaked yet.

By my count there are still six major pushes left even it had which would boost demand:

1) Price Cuts

2) Motionplus

3) The Third Party "Hardcore Wave" Monster Hunter 3, Mad World, The Conduit, Klonoa, RPGS, etc

4) The New Nintendo IPs, all the stuff announced in October is very interesting experimental except for Punch Out and Wii Sports Resort which are both sort of to drive motion plus.

5) Nintendo isn't going to have enough Wiis this Christmas in the USA. 800k in October suggests 5m to 7m is possible in Oct-Dec based on historical Oct-Dec growth, but they'll have maybe 3.5m to 5m instead

6) Wii Ware is really starting to come into its own as a platform, and I don't think message has been widely disseminated yet.

The diversity of software on Wii is fairly impressive now, in terms of simple to complex (Wii Ware games to Call of Duty) and non-traditional to traditional (Wii Fit/World of Goo to Mega Man 9/Zelda)


People are difficult to govern because they have too much knowledge.

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- Lao Tzu

its down because of the recession. the entire stock market is down not just nintendo.