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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Reggie: Third parties don't "get" the Wii, more

trestres said:
@Lord: Yes it was, it came under the "Wii Version Production Team" or something like that. Have you even beaten the game?


Why do you assume I bothered reading the credits for it?

And it still doesn't change the fact that you twisted my words. I pointed out ports wouldn't interfere with bigger games. Your counter was that people work on ports and they don't come about magically, which I at no point even implied, and you know it. Capcom and Nintendo aren't Valve They can spare a team for port development while still working full teams on the bigger games.

Pikmin 1 and 2 are not interfering with 3, as you earlier pointed out Nintendo has over two dozen teams. Maybe, just maybe, the team working on porting the first two is a different team than that working on 3. That was what I implied with my first comment, so your weak-ass counter by implying I implied ports happen with no people working on them is BS.

Heck, you seem to think reworking the assets of an entire game to fit on another system somehow takes less effort than a port.

A flashy-first game is awesome when it comes out. A great-first game is awesome forever.

Plus, just for the hell of it: Kelly Brook at the 2008 BAFTAs

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Squilliam said:

This is a real chicken/egg thing going on here. If COD WAW doesn't sell well, the chances that COD 5/6 (depending on who you ask) will be on the Wii will be slim - none.

See publishers are actually very conservative. They spend as little as they possibly on games unless the franchise is so strong they can justify the expenditure. Things like this have a flow on effect. Will games like Conduit see much marketing if COD WAW doesn't sell well? Will publishers even spend money trying to make innovative games when they know they hardly sell anyway and they can get better returns on releasing Nintendo knock-offs?

The actual talent in the industry is actually very limited. The issue isn't about where the publishers invest the bulk of their money/manpower its about where they can best invest the real talent they have. These are the people who make the real money in the industry and the people around them are just there to help make it happen.





I can't agree with this assertion only because the lack of third-party sales on the Wii comes from the fact that developers are ham-fisting it on one hand and half-assing it on the other. Yes, it requires a risk, but testing the waters with half-baked software is going to get you the results you are asking for.

Equating any Call of Duty with innovative games is a travesty. Innovative games on the Wii, the super-niche titles that actually try new things, sell much better than their equivalents on other systems. De Blob, Zack and Wiki, No More Heroes, what have you - these games don't even exist on the 360 and PS3, and they sell better than equivalent games did on the PS2. Hell, NMH curb-stomped every single Clover Studios game except for Viewtiful Joe.

This is not a chicken/egg problem, because it is all too obvious where the problem originates: "safe", half-hearted games do not sell.

Garcian Smith said:

We're already seeing improvement, really. The Wii versions of games like Sonic Unleashed and Shaun White are pulling in stronger reviews than their HD counterparts, and CoD:WAW is arguably better than the PS360 versions due to the control scheme. Now we just need something more than half-arsed exclusive efforts like Castlevania Judgment, and we'll be set.

EDIT: Also just saw that IGN reviewed Skate It really well, so add another to the pile.

Hey, the only things noticably bad abput the game was it's sometimes distracting camera and the inablity to change the button layout. It had a lot of work put it into it. It was polished, and has a stable online component. Plus, it is a fighting game, cut Konami a break.


Leatherhat on July 6th, 2012 3pm. Vita sales:"3 mil for COD 2 mil for AC. Maybe more. "  thehusbo on July 6th, 2012 5pm. Vita sales:"5 mil for COD 2.2 mil for AC."

SaviorX said:
Garcian Smith said:

We're already seeing improvement, really. The Wii versions of games like Sonic Unleashed and Shaun White are pulling in stronger reviews than their HD counterparts, and CoD:WAW is arguably better than the PS360 versions due to the control scheme. Now we just need something more than half-arsed exclusive efforts like Castlevania Judgment, and we'll be set.

EDIT: Also just saw that IGN reviewed Skate It really well, so add another to the pile.

Hey, the only things noticably bad abput the game was it's sometimes distracting camera and the inablity to change the button layout. It had a lot of work put it into it. It was polished, and has a stable online component. Plus, it is a fighting game, cut Konami a break.



Did they fix the attacks that do 75% of your health in one shot?

NYANKS said:
The Ghost of RubangB said:
NYANKS said:
Not meaning to be inflammatory, but I can understand third parties getting a mixed message when games like Carnival Games and Wii Sports/Play/Fit are among the best games on the console and games that are more "serious" seem to be missed, NMH, Okami, apparently COD: World at war.....

If Ninty changes their marketing a little, they could do a lot to dispel this, but they don't. And quite frankly, the only visibly hurt by this are some of the Wii consumers, so I can't fault them for continuing to push stuff like their Wii Series, Animal Crossing, and even Flash focus and brain Training for the DS.

Carnival Games is one of the best games on the console?

Also, the most "serious" game in the world is Brain Training, and it sells better than all your favorite games.

There are 3rd parties making amazing games for the Wii, and they are being rewarded with good sales, good reviews, and artistic credibility.  Anybody who disagrees has bad taste in games.

Sorry, I meant "best selling", not "best.  Also I put "serious" in quotation marks for a reason, I assumed people would understand that, apologies.  Among many gamers, Brain Training is not considered "hardcore" or whatever you want to say. Thats what I meant.  And for the third point I won't contradict but I would ask if you could name a few of them, five would be cool. Thanks.

 @ Rol, I dunno about the splitscreen, I'm one of the ones not interested in COD Wii ;) .


Elebits (was a 3rd party launch game and it's still one of my favorites.  It did well enough to get some sequels.)

Trauma Center: New Blood (is rad and way too hard for anybody.  It's a sequel to Atlus's awesome new Wii/DS franchise.)

No More Heroes (is an amazing "hardcore" game with more personality than just about anything.  It's Suda51's best-selling game ever, really putting his name on the map more than ever before.)

Boom Blox (is a totally rad multiplayer game.  Got tons of internet cred.)

World of Goo (is a 3rd party downloadable game.  I haven't played it yet, but it's the 2nd highest rated game.)


Those are all Wii exclusives.  There are many others that I'm very very pleased with, but I think those might be the best 5 for this post.

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ItsaMii said:
Anyone really misses the support from the 3rd parties that "don`t get it"? They are Ubisoft, SE, THQ, Konami, Activision, EA. Most of their "AAA" franchises are not really worth playing. The only ones that could really help the Wii library are Namco and Capcom. But they are too busy working on crap that no one cares about or interesting games that will sell like shit (Bionic Commando, Eternal Sonata, Dead Rising CTYD, Tales of Vesperia).

The biggest difference between the HD fanboy and Wii fanboy is that the Wii one is more honest. He is not happy with the 3rd party support on the Wii, but that doesn`t mean that he would like the HD games to take its place. He refuses to pay more for less. The HD fanboys love to talk about the "AAA" exclusives, Metacritic average, next gen graphics and all sort of PR memes their limited intelect can grasp. The truth is that they keep getting inferior versions of best selling PS2 franchises with shorter campaigns and multiplayer features tacked on, not to mention that the games cost more and have bigger release gaps. Did I also mention that they suck compared to the older games?


Intellect is spelled with two l's...  Also I feel that the games released for the HD consoles this generation are on average pretty good compared to the last generation.  I mean games like Call of Duty 4, Metal Gear Solid 4, Bioshock, and others are very solid titles.

RolStoppable said:
Okay, I looked it up, Cod WaW on Wii does not have any splitscreen modes at all. There's only that special co-op mode in which a second player only controls another gun.

It's beyond stupid to release a FPS on the Wii, THE local multiplayer console, without any possibilities for a local deathmatch.


Yeah, it's stupid, but still I'm buying The Conduit


And, why do people keep talking bad about Konami? Which games, not included MGS4, have they released on the Xbox360 and PS3 that are SUPER AWESOME??? Really, tell me because I don't know.

On Wii we already have Elebits which is great, Dewy's which some say is great too. Pro Evolution Soccer is amazing, MLB Power Pros is fantastic, Marble Mania was good too. Now Castlevania Judgment which seems to be good. And on DS they have been supporting it very well.


Castlevania Judgment FC:     1161 - 3389 - 1512

3DS Friend Code:   3480-2746-6289

Wii Friend Code: 4268-9719-1932-3069

since reggie "gets" the wii he should get disaster: day of crisis released in the US... instead of releasing Wii Music

@RubangB: World of Goo is also on pc. It's not an exclusive.

Demon's Souls Official Thread  | Currently playing: Left 4 Dead 2, LittleBigPlanet 2, Magicka

Khuutra said:
Squilliam said:

This is a real chicken/egg thing going on here. If COD WAW doesn't sell well, the chances that COD 5/6 (depending on who you ask) will be on the Wii will be slim - none.

See publishers are actually very conservative. They spend as little as they possibly on games unless the franchise is so strong they can justify the expenditure. Things like this have a flow on effect. Will games like Conduit see much marketing if COD WAW doesn't sell well? Will publishers even spend money trying to make innovative games when they know they hardly sell anyway and they can get better returns on releasing Nintendo knock-offs?

The actual talent in the industry is actually very limited. The issue isn't about where the publishers invest the bulk of their money/manpower its about where they can best invest the real talent they have. These are the people who make the real money in the industry and the people around them are just there to help make it happen.





I can't agree with this assertion only because the lack of third-party sales on the Wii comes from the fact that developers are ham-fisting it on one hand and half-assing it on the other. Yes, it requires a risk, but testing the waters with half-baked software is going to get you the results you are asking for.

Equating any Call of Duty with innovative games is a travesty. Innovative games on the Wii, the super-niche titles that actually try new things, sell much better than their equivalents on other systems. De Blob, Zack and Wiki, No More Heroes, what have you - these games don't even exist on the 360 and PS3, and they sell better than equivalent games did on the PS2. Hell, NMH curb-stomped every single Clover Studios game except for Viewtiful Joe.

This is not a chicken/egg problem, because it is all too obvious where the problem originates: "safe", half-hearted games do not sell.

So... One of the highest selling franchises which has been made with a pretty good effort on the Wii bombs. What does that do? It means that shooters are going to be fewer and further between on the Wii. The Wii proved it can sell music games, and it gets Guitar Hero like everyone else. If the Wii proves is struggles to sell core games then I guess its more cooking mama and petz in the future since they have proved themselves to be profitable ventures.

You know the one thing which breaks the rule on metacritic for higher rated games vs sales are the innovative games. They are rated highly but they never sell as well as titles which aren't innovative, but have a similar or lower rating. Also I never said that COD was innovative, I just said that innovation hardly ever pays off.

And no, COD WAW Wii was not half hearted.

