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SaviorX said:
Garcian Smith said:

We're already seeing improvement, really. The Wii versions of games like Sonic Unleashed and Shaun White are pulling in stronger reviews than their HD counterparts, and CoD:WAW is arguably better than the PS360 versions due to the control scheme. Now we just need something more than half-arsed exclusive efforts like Castlevania Judgment, and we'll be set.

EDIT: Also just saw that IGN reviewed Skate It really well, so add another to the pile.

Hey, the only things noticably bad abput the game was it's sometimes distracting camera and the inablity to change the button layout. It had a lot of work put it into it. It was polished, and has a stable online component. Plus, it is a fighting game, cut Konami a break.



Did they fix the attacks that do 75% of your health in one shot?