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Forums - Sales Discussion - Will PSP beat DS in sales (and be the best selling system?) (JP)?

Hell No Ds has a much bigger audiance maybe it becomes a close call but beat the psp is not something that i will see happening

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Nintendo themselves said that they expect DSi to ship 1.2M-1.5M.

It has already sold off 300K of those (in VGChartz numbers time). So it will probably sell ~ 1M more (perhaps slightly lower)

PsP sold 600K in December last year. With the 2 weeks left of November, that would total ~ 700K (if it sold same in December as last year). I don't think we can expect it to sell more than 1M for the rest of the year.

So - I think this is the question.

Can DS lite sell over 350K this holiday, in Japan?

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS

no, and who really cares?

 Next Gen 

11/20/09 04:25 makingmusic476 Warning Other (Your avatar is borderline NSFW. Please keep it for as long as possible.)
Xen said:
Khuutra said:
The topic title lead me to believe you were talking about the overall sales rather than the year's sales.

Same here, lol...

This year? most likely, yes.



lol yeh same I thought he lost his marbles for a second...

I say PSP will win. Like you said, if it happens, they def. owe it to MHP2. I'm just waiting to see the effect of Dissidia and Agito for PSP in Japan.

The chances are slim to none IMO... it all rests in the performance of Dissidia and Gundam VS. Gundam IMO...

Vote the Mayor for Mayor!

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well 300k maybe be slightly too much to overcome because there's just not many weeks left. If you include the first week in January then maybe it'd be pretty close.

currently playing: Skyward Sword, Mario Sunshine, Xenoblade Chronicles X

I think so.

Dissidia Final Fantasy should give the PSP the boost it needs to keep a lead over the DS.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

I cant wiat to see what the actual hardware boost in PSP sales are from GvG... this week will be interesting :D

Vote the Mayor for Mayor!

PSP should do it, but it'll be close

yeah i thought u ment total sales too...

Well it depends how well DSi can perform, and how well PSP can hold on to... but its gonna be pretty close. Tough call! Pokemon, Chrono Trigger, and Prof Layton VS FF, MH, and Gundam.... Too close to call