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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Gears of War 2 Tracking: ~3.0-3.5m first week projection

el_rika said:
I think it'll have very front loaded sales. Basically everyone that wants the game will buy it first few days.
I'm guessing 70% of its life time sales will be the first 5 - 7 days.

Care to give any reasoning behind 70% of sales in the first 2 weeks? Even Halo 3, in 2 weeks, sold 50% of it's LTD sales for 2 whole weeks.

Any game, at a minimum (at least in the West) WILL have a 2x ratio from Week-1 to LTD. However, a 2x is considered pitiful, and reserved for atrocious games.

Gears has the massive advantage of being sold so near the holidays that it's assured to sell above 100,000 units/wk for the rest of the year. That's a major advantage for the game.


Back from the dead, I'm afraid.

Around the Network

We have any preliminary estimates yet for day 2?

Somewhere around the main-page report of 2.5m. I was conservative with the Day-1 numbers (which I put at 400k). Saturday sales should be 500k.

Right now, with a margin of error, we're looking at 2.3m-3.0m for the 2-day period.

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.

Very nice here is to hoping 2.5 plus.

Gears 2 is bigger than Halo 3 in EU !!

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Zucas said:
seece said:
Zucas said:
Now now don't get testy about your numbers simply because people are arguing logically. If they were arguing illogically then you'd have a case.

Point being 4 million in 2 weeks is a lot, or 9 days for GeoW 2 and that's hard to believe for anyone. I mean these are like Halo and GTA like numbers and Gears is in no way that kind of franchise.

I'm not saying your numbers are wrong but I just trying to find a way how it could be that from a logical standpoint. And I personally hope your numbers are right cause it'll show just how large this holiday season will be but for now I got to be skeptical. This is not me saying you are wrong because I don't want to be wrong if you are right haha but I will be a little skeptical like I am of VGC numbers in general.


You're wrong, Gears IS that kind of franchise. The first has a solid fanbase of 5.5 million. Thats a lot of potential buyers right there, not to mention the userbase has grown 10 million since the launch of Halo 3.


4 million in 2 weeks is VERY doable, I guess we are just going to have to wait for the numbers? haha!


Your joking right.  You think Gears is a franchise along the lines of Halo and GTA.  I mean if you want to discredit those 2 franchises that much then be my guest but I didn't say it haha. 

No doubt Gears 2 is a big franchise and yes 4 million in 2 weeks is doable but its very improbable.  Excuse me for being skeptical.  I don't deny it can happen but I'm not going to openly go along with it based off this haha.  As I said I hope it does that number because it shows just how big holidays will be this year that games that aren't even the largest franchises in gaming can do numbers like that.


 What are you talking about? GTA sold over 6 M units on the 360 alone. Gears was close to that dude. Halo 3's sales if multiplat would kill GTA IV's sales. Gears 2 is gearing up to sell 4 million within 2 weeks to a month. It's crazy enough that the game sold over 2 m on the first day.

Gears is 1 is within 900k of GTA4 (X360 SKU)...

It's not at that level but it's close.

Current-gen game collection uploaded on the profile, full of win and good games; also most of my PC games. Lucasfilm Games/LucasArts 1982-2008 (Requiescat In Pace).

fayewong said:
Lightning doesn't strike twice you know. Just because someone was right once with the lottery numbers doesn't mean he will win the second time.


Don't be so closed minded... The man (or stickball) predicted the week that the 360 would beat out the Wii in Japan!!!!

Epic Thread!

Proud Member of GAIBoWS (Gamers Against Irrational Bans of Weezy & Squilliam)


At the moment all I have to do is congratulate mrstickball.
Others' numbers are in and the 2,5 million first 2 days seems closer than ever.
Holy sh#t!

You're amazing stickball, now care to play Gears with me? =)

-=Dew the disco dancing fo da Unco Graham=-