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Forums - Sales Discussion - Is it just me or for all the Wii hype do the PS360 sell more software?

360 definitley sells more softwhere. the wii prolly sells more than the PS3.

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PS360 always lead the software chart, but rarely does any software may it in the top 10 2 months in a row. Many Nintendo games however have made the top 10 many months (some even years) in a row.

Look at nintendogs. Probably never made the top 10 NPD, and yet it has outsold every P360 game in the top 10 ever. Same as Wii Fit and Mario Kart Wii btw.
Lets be honest. Fable II sold almost a million copies worldwide last week and will probably make the NPD top 3 for the month, and yet it will probably be outsold by Wii Music, which possibly won't even ever make the NPD top 10.

Member of the Pikmin Fan Club

Chrizum said:
Ail said:
The Wii hype isn't making the HD console sell more software.
But for the first time the success of one console isn't actually affecting the catalog of games of the other 2 consoles.

If Wii hadn't happened, HD consoles would be getting exactly the same games lol...
So we can safely go back to ignoring it and playing our favorite games..

That's where you're wrong. Monster Hunter 3, Fatal Frame 4 and the Tenchu series would've stayed on PS3 (or maybe also on the 360) if it weren't for the Wii. In fact, most Japanese centric franchises will probably shift to the Wii instead of the HD consoles. Only the western developers are ignoring the Wii.

And while it pains me to say it, FF4 and Tenchu 4 have suffered saleswise because of it.  Hopefully MH3 sells 2m like it's PSP versions.  Of course while FF4 and Tenchu 4 may have had better sales on PS3 it'd be at a much higher cost and even greater loss.  For Japan, developers still seem best off developing for PS2.



Take a look at Nintendo's financial report. They are estimating 200 million software sales for the fiscal year, far more than the PS3 or 360.


That 10:1 ratio is based on sales even after the systems time was over and it's successor named. ^_^ Just saying.

If I need to explain that then here: The software sales would still sell to those that own hardware meaning that the attach ratio would only have one place to go and thats up. This is versus years prior where hardware was selling at it's highest rate and is contending with it's software in that respect. ^_^

So comparing Wii to the PS2 isn't fair unless your doing YoY comparisons.

I'm Unamerica and you can too.

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The Hunt Begins 4/20/2010 =D

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dib8rman said:

That 10:1 ratio is based on sales even after the systems time was over and it's successor named. ^_^ Just saying.

If I need to explain that then here: The software sales would still sell to those that own hardware meaning that the attach ratio would only have one place to go and thats up. This is versus years prior where hardware was selling at it's highest rate and is contending with it's software in that respect. ^_^

So comparing Wii to the PS2 isn't fair unless your doing YoY comparisons.

Hence my post. ^^^^

"Hey guys, I think the Wii is bad at selling software, because these games that were released this very week for 360 and PS3 are selling a bit better than these Wii-games that were released back in April"

Um... yeah.

Ail said:
senortaco said:
Ail said:
The Wii hype isn't making the HD console sell more software.
But for the first time the success of one console isn't actually affecting the catalog of games of the other 2 consoles.

If Wii hadn't happened, HD consoles would be getting exactly the same games lol...
So we can safely go back to ignoring it and playing our favorite games..


 If you're pertaining to Third party right now this is true, as majority of those games were in development before it was clear who this gens winner was. It was readity assumes that either XB360, or PS3 would win. No one prior to launch would have thought that the Wii would be this gens PS2.

...If this gen plays out for another 4 years you will probably see the market leader getting the bulk of the big game exclusives.

That is very doubtfull seeing how the fact that the publishers bet on the wrong consoles isn't actually affecting the success of their games...That and the first foray of third parties into the Wii haven't been that successfull..


Namco's JRPGs have bombed on the Xbox 360. In fact most of their retail offerings for the Xbox 360 have not performed well except for Soul Calibur IV, which has a chance at surpassing 1 million sales.

Other 3rd parties have had games to sell poorly on the Xbox 360/PS3. That's the nature of doing business. Not all games will perform as expected. However, the losses from poor performing games are a lot higher on the HD consoles than the Wii.

Namco's next RPGs are on the Wii, Fragile and the next Tales game.


If Nintendo is successful at the moment, it’s because they are good, and I cannot blame them for that. What we should do is try to be just as good.----Laurent Benadiba


For anybody comparing market conditions for last generation top this generation: stop. PS2 released over 1 year before both systems while Wii released at the equivalent of the Gamecube's and Xbox's time slots. By all means, if it had been the one released one year earlier alone like the PS2, we wouldn't be seeing things as they are now.

P.S. I ignored Dreamcast because it didn't have a noticeable impact on the other consoles sales.

The BuShA owns all!

it's pretty much cherry picking

you can have #1 games but it won't do much if from 2-10 are wii games.