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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Miyamoto's Mistake and what it'll cost the Wii

triplebph said:
This game has been out two weeks and sold 250,000 copies worldwide with its numbers drastically decreasing in both territories in its second week. Why do the majority of you still think this is going to be a huge hit that sells 5,000,000 plus copies? Seems kind of like the reasoning of those folks that still want to think that dinosuars and people walked the earth at the same time to me. And if Animal Crossing does fail that will mean some big problems headed Nintendo's way sooner rather than later.


 Did you read the replies? Nobody said it would say 5M + (as far as I can see).

If it keeps selling for a long time, it could sell 3M, but I don't see it selling a lot more than that. Still, that's pretty dang awesome.

If Animal Crossing fails, Nintendo won't be in any trouble. Wii Sports sells the Wii, and people who don't buy Animal Crossing will end up buying something else.


How picky have people become? A game that would probably go profit by 100.000 sales, is now dissapointing by not selling 5.000.000 copies? Jeez.

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS

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famousringo said:
pastro243 said:

I don't think that anybody is bashing Rock Band or Guitar Hero for being accessible. Accessiblity of play is a major advantage of those franchises and a big factor in their massive success. It's just ironic that the Wii franchise entry in the music genre is less accessible than these established music franchises.

From what I've played, Wii Music IS actually more accessible than Guitar Hero et. al. I've seen novices on Guitar Hero struggle greatly on Easy mode (I certainly did myself) for hours before the whole thing "clicked." By contrast, none of the instruments in Wii Music are particularly hard to "get"; you'll be strumming along in minutes. So I think with that game, it's Mission Accomplished, as not knowing the mechanics of instruments is no longer an obstacle.

The problem with the game isn't that it's not accessible, it's that it only gives back as much as you put into it. Put simply, while you no longer need to learn how to play an instrument to make things sound good, you do need to have a good idea for what you're aiming for. That guitar solo you just inserted in Twinkle Twinkle? Probably not the best place to put it. And playing the cymbals off-beat in any song WILL sound bad. Still, I think a lot of people will enjoy screwing up the songs, because they're the ones doing the screwing up. It's kind of like karoake, where the performer's having a good time, and the audience is preparing to throw heavy blunt objects.


triplebph said:

This game has been out two weeks and sold 250,000 copies worldwide with its numbers drastically decreasing in both territories in its second week. Why do the majority of you still think this is going to be a huge hit that sells 5,000,000 plus copies? Seems kind of like the reasoning of those folks that still want to think that dinosuars and people walked the earth at the same time to me. And if Animal Crossing follows Wii Music's baton that will mean big problems headed Nintendo's way sooner rather than later.


When you say "drastically decreasing in both territories," which two territories are you talking about, exactly?

Zucas said:
Miyamoto make a mistake? Improbable haha.

I don't think he made a mistake I jsut think he had the unfortunate issue of timing with Wii Music. And Wii Music will go platinum but will not sell like it's Wii series counterpart. Wii Sports Resort will though. Mistake has not been made when Miyamoto is making projects that make Ninty money and of course he understand to make games for everyone.

So whatever you were trying to get out of this just really kinda failed haha.


What I'm getting at, and many here are missing the point, is that while there's nothing wrong with making Wii Music, nothing wrong with the 2-5m sales it'll likely get, eventually, what's wrong is that clearly Nintendo was expecting this to be the next Wii Fit or Wii Sports and from the looks of it, it won't be.

They could have and probably should have launched this in February (or this fairly empty summer past) and put another major seller in for the holiday season instead.

Mind, I'll say it first, Wii are still selling out so what does it matter?  Yes, Wii's will be sold out all over except Japan as usual for Christmas. 

It's an image thing people.  The mass market is heavily influenced by image.  Right now Wii is this cool, innovative, fun, must have thing.  By putting so much empathize on Wii Music and it underperforming it can be made by competition to give the illustion that 'the fad is ending'.   That could be utter rubbish but that's what FUD campaigns are.  Releasing often misleading information (or even blantantly false - like PS2 having Toy Story graphics) to create Fear, Uncertainy and Doubt.

The fact that due to higher production levels Wii's may finally be widely available on store shelves after Christmas may falsely add to such a FUD campaign.

That leaves it to WSR to move all those Wiis off shelves again to counter such (ridiculous but possibly effective) claims of fadness.  The problem with that is avg consumer thinks the Wii already does what WiiMotionPlus is adding.  Therefore they won't see it as new or novel, just having more Wii Sports type games.  Which is fine on one hand but doesn't create the buzz Nintendo was clearly hoping Wii Music would.

Now this may never happen and people have correctly commented that Sony and MS are poorly positioned to capitalize on this. 

I am merely noting that Nintendo has made there first misstep or incorrectly judged their own market for the first time since the Wii began.   Wii Music will be successful in and of itself, it's just not the universally loved game Miyamoto was aiming for. And that gives the competition an opening to spin FUD.   Most likely Wii will cruise until WSR comes in to boost interest again.  But if WSR doesn't and interest starts to fade and the Fad FUD begins to take hold;  remember you heard of it here first.


Gamerace said:


What's wrong is that clearly Nintendo was expecting this to be the next Wii Fit or Wii Sports and from the looks of it, it won't be.



 Why do you think so? If you mean for the E3 presentation, it was their 2nd biggest hit for the rest of the year, and the only they could really demonstrate.

I don't think Nintendo had any clue how big Wii Fit was going to be, so maybe you're right that they originally expected the same for them, but I'm pretty positive they didn't expect Wii Music to sell 12M +.

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS

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haxxiy said:
Another Wii = Fad thread...


how is this wii into fad thread, this is guy had petproject and screwed the pooch becasue no one old him to stop, these things happen

come play minecraft @

minecraft name: hansrotec

XBL name: Goddog

Although the reviewers' smear campaign against Wii Music has proven effective at stopping a blockbuster first week for the game, things will likely turn around. The Wii's finest multiplayer experience to date, and one of the best games on any console this gen, won't be denied so easily.

Complexity is not depth. Machismo is not maturity. Obsession is not dedication. Tedium is not challenge. Support gaming: support the Wii.

Be the ultimate ninja! Play Billy Vs. SNAKEMAN today! Poisson Village welcomes new players.

What do I hate about modern gaming? I hate tedium replacing challenge, complexity replacing depth, and domination replacing entertainment. I hate the outsourcing of mechanics to physics textbooks, art direction to photocopiers, and story to cheap Hollywood screenwriters. I hate the confusion of obsession with dedication, style with substance, new with gimmicky, old with obsolete, new with evolutionary, and old with time-tested.
There is much to hate about modern gaming. That is why I support the Wii.

RolStoppable said:
Millennium said:
Although the reviewers' smear campaign against Wii Music has proven effective at stopping a blockbuster first week for the game, things will likely turn around. The Wii's finest multiplayer experience to date, and one of the best games on any console this gen, won't be denied so easily.

True, Mario Kart Wii will sell for the rest of this generation. But what does that have to do with Wii Music?

It has a certain relevance. Hint: the Mario Kart Wii Music

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS

"When you say "drastically decreasing in both territories," which two territories are you talking about, exactly?"

Japan and the US. In its first week in Japan, Wii Music sold barely over 100,000 units. A number that would be pretty good for any title that wasn't trying to live up to Wii expectations. But then this week, it only sold a little under 40,000 units. I think it has probably gone down this week. Maybe it will win the title for fastest Wii game to be placed in the bargain bins at videogame stores.

I don't want to argue with all you Wii fans about it though. God bless the Wii!

RolStoppable said:
Oyvoyvoyv said:
RolStoppable said:
Millennium said:
Although the reviewers' smear campaign against Wii Music has proven effective at stopping a blockbuster first week for the game, things will likely turn around. The Wii's finest multiplayer experience to date, and one of the best games on any console this gen, won't be denied so easily.

True, Mario Kart Wii will sell for the rest of this generation. But what does that have to do with Wii Music?

It has a certain relevance. Hint: the Mario Kart Wii Music

It's past midnight, a kid of your age should be in bed by now.

Will do sir.

.. You gotta do what the oldies say ya know.

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS