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Forums - Sony Discussion - Who should play solid snake in MGS Movie?


zexen_lowe said:

Shia LaBeouf! It was a joke, right? RIGHT?

Christian Bale Good choice

Vin Diesel Don't like him

Matt Damon Excellent actor, but does he fit Snake's role?

Bruce Willis (old snake) No! I hate Bruce Willis


Hugh Jackman would be a good choice too



Matt Damon - picture a more scruffy Matt Damon channelling the spirit of Bourne.

Bruce Willis - He was pretty good in diehard, I think the role fit his personality, but the image is hard to create...


And I completely forgot about Hugh! He is definitely scruffy enough and proven in the past that he can be action man.

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mibuokami said:


zexen_lowe said:

Shia LaBeouf! It was a joke, right? RIGHT?

Christian Bale Good choice

Vin Diesel Don't like him

Matt Damon Excellent actor, but does he fit Snake's role?

Bruce Willis (old snake) No! I hate Bruce Willis


Hugh Jackman would be a good choice too



Matt Damon - picture a more scruffy Matt Damon channelling the spirit of Bourne.

I think he's by far one of the best Hollywood actors, but I have him too associated with his Bourne/The Departed roles to picture him as Snake. Still, if he's given the role we can expect a fantastic performance, like Matt always does

masschamber said:
Clint Eastwood if using old snake, given that Hayter is obviously doing a dirty harry impression for snake
though hiring him would probably be more expensive than the entire production of MGS series

i totally agree about clint eastwood...i think many years ago he would have been perfect for young snake with his gritty voice and scruffed facial hair....i don't know what hes lookin like these days but i would say he would be a good old snake


"If new things are so great, where have they been the whole time?"

Bale? as long as he won't do Snake's voice as he did Batman lol , besides that I agree.

Another considerable choices:

Viggo Mortensen > Kojima considered him. He would be great, only a little make up to make him look younger or probably for an older Snake. Watch him in Eastern Promises (don't mind the russian accent in that role).

David Wenham > He is a good actor and looks and could sound fairly enough like Snake. Watch him in 300. He's not exactly an expensive actor either which helps.

Bale's voice as Batman was incredible! And it sounds extremely similar to Snake as well.

I still say Hayter could do a really good performance.

After him, I'd say Christian Bale.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

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Nobody but David Hayter would be able to do the voice. Vin Diesel might be able to pull it off with some very specific training.

Really, it would need to be CGI to capture Snake's stylized appearance and all the crazy stuff he's capable of doing.

Also, preferably, it would be shot-for-shot like the cutscenes in the game.

All right really it should just be the game cutscenes with gameplay segments cut out and put on a blu-ray.

There, I said it.

CAL4M1TY said:
Majin-Tenshinhan said:
Kurt Russell, 20 years ago. See Escape From New York and you'll know what I mean.

There's a reason for that, alot of Snake's original attributes were drawn from Russell and those Escape from movies (apparently).


Anyway, Shia Lebouf and Christian Bale suggestions sounds like you took two "it" actors of the moment and just suggested them, since neither really suit snake at any age (except christian bale's voice might suit snake a bit).

I'd love to see a 3D MGS movie, screw live action. But if they must go live action, I don't really care about the actor playing snake, I would want (though it'll never happen) Hayter to dub over the actor to voice snake. Of course that'd require an relatively un-known actor so that most people won't have a voice associated with that face, which'll probably never happen.


Christian Bale an actor of the moment? Shut the hell up. He's a fantastic actor, and most of his fans came about from American Psycho which was nearly 9 years ago.

Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned for Sega. - Jason Lee, Mallrats. - Mainly American Football, snippets of Basketball, European Football and Hockey. 

I say making it CGI would defeat the purpose of the entire thing. It would be a shortened version of the cutscenes, with small clips for the gameplay. It would be awful, basically, and an insult to the game.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

Kantor said:
I say making it CGI would defeat the purpose of the entire thing. It would be a shortened version of the cutscenes, with small clips for the gameplay. It would be awful, basically, and an insult to the game.


Wait, how many hours of cutscenes does MGS4 HAVE

I thought it was like three, max

Khuutra said:
Nobody but David Hayter would be able to do the voice. Vin Diesel might be able to pull it off with some very specific training.

Really, it would need to be CGI to capture Snake's stylized appearance and all the crazy stuff he's capable of doing.

Also, preferably, it would be shot-for-shot like the cutscenes in the game.

All right really it should just be the game cutscenes with gameplay segments cut out and put on a blu-ray.

There, I said it.



What you've suggested is pretty much the worst movie ever. You cannot film a movie like a videogame, critics would pan it and those paying money to see it would hate it. It would be an automatic candidate for worst movie ever made.

Debating with fanboys, its not
all that dissimilar to banging ones
head against a wall