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Forums - Gaming Discussion - GTA IV : Rockstar rep says "complete experience" only on 360

A creative choice on the part of Rockstar, and very good news for the 360.

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Wasn't GTA a PC-only game at one point, and every iteneration on the PC at every stage of the game?

Sony didn't make GTA a succuess, considering the PC started it all. Yes, later on, once 3-SA came out, it was huge on the PS2, but thats because of the userbase, and the fact they did a great job on the UI for the game - GTA already had its great merits, and was a good seller on PC already.

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.

your mother said:
iclim4 said:
BenKenobi88 said:


Remember the first GTAIII? You had to pass certain missions before the bridge was "fixed" (read: unlocked) and another part of the city would open.

Rockstar could simply have a few of these areas on the main map, and when you purchase that map/installment/episode/whatever they call it, *poof* - that area is unlocked.

Subsequent maps can also have these locked areas so episodic content could be created with virtually no limitations.

didnt they mention that both games would be identical at first..
and arent they working for episodic content after the release?.
and if its really already in the game shouldnt something like gameshark codes be able to unlock it?

i really doubt that the episodic content is already in the game locked somewhere when it comes out though..

@Benkenobi88- O.O ahahaha...


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Am I the only one who honestly doesn't like what this represents as a whole for gaming? Seriously this goes beyond MS and Sony jockeying for position here.

Personally, I'm not interested in buying a product from a developer if they intentionally hamstring it and don't give me the full experience for my money.

Since when did I start buying my games ala carte?

"There are three types of lies : Lies, damned lies, and statistics." - Benjamin Disraeli ( Made famous by Mark Twain )

PSN ID: DeviantPathways

Wii Number: 0081 3044 1559 2355


DoesWhatNintenDont said:
Am I the only one who honestly doesn't like what this represents as a whole for gaming? Seriously this goes beyond MS and Sony jockeying for position here.

Personally, I'm not interested in buying a product from a developer if they intentionally hamstring it and don't give me the full experience for my money.

Since when did I start buying my games ala carte?

In case you don't realize it there is a console war going on. At least between the 360 and the PS3, who share demographics. The Wii is competition too, but Sony and Microsoft know they need to focus on each other. They split the hardcore gamers. Nintendo gets everyone else.



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mrstickball said:

Wasn't GTA a PC-only game at one point, and every iteneration on the PC at every stage of the game?

Sony didn't make GTA a succuess, considering the PC started it all. Yes, later on, once 3-SA came out, it was huge on the PS2, but thats because of the userbase, and the fact they did a great job on the UI for the game - GTA already had its great merits, and was a good seller on PC already.

That's largely correct. GTA -- and sandbox games in general -- began on the PC. The genre exploded on the PS2, but they didn't start there.  In fact, other than survival horror (which I think one could argue began on PCs with Alone in the Dark, but I'll say Resident Evil is different enough to say that it was the true creation of the genre), pretty much every genre "invented" in the last 15 years has been on the PC: FPS, RTS, MMO, Sandbox. 

As a side note, GTA I and GTA II were eventually ported to the original PS.">">

Bodhesatva said:
mrstickball said:

Wasn't GTA a PC-only game at one point, and every iteneration on the PC at every stage of the game?

Sony didn't make GTA a succuess, considering the PC started it all. Yes, later on, once 3-SA came out, it was huge on the PS2, but thats because of the userbase, and the fact they did a great job on the UI for the game - GTA already had its great merits, and was a good seller on PC already.

That's largely correct. GTA -- and sandbox games in general -- began on the PC. The genre exploded on the PS2, but they didn't start there.  In fact, other than survival horror (which I think one could argue began on PCs with Alone in the Dark, but I'll say Resident Evil is different enough to say that it was the true creation of the genre), pretty much every genre "invented" in the last 15 years has been on the PC: FPS, RTS, MMO, Sandbox. 

As a side note, GTA I and GTA II were eventually ported to the original PS.  

True, but Grand Theft Auto one and two can barely be considered the same games as Grand Theft Auto Three. I really did enjoy the very first game in the series, but Grand Theft Auto III on the PS2 really was what started a whole new genre.


I'm a mod, come to me if there's mod'n to do. 

Chrizum is the best thing to happen to the internet, Period.

Serves me right for challenging his sales predictions!

Bet with dsisister44: Red Steel 2 will sell 1 million within it's first 365 days of sales.

Astrodust said:

In case you don't realize it there is a console war going on. At least between the 360 and the PS3, who share demographics. The Wii is competition too, but Sony and Microsoft know they need to focus on each other. They split the hardcore gamers. Nintendo gets everyone else.

No need to be such a rude abrasive wretch.

If you are too much of a fool to see that gamers will lose out by having an entire game experience broken up into segments (not expansions), simply to help the footing of certain titles and line the pockets of particular developers, then your precious war is only going to create victims in the people who enjoy and spend money in the entertainment sector itself.


"There are three types of lies : Lies, damned lies, and statistics." - Benjamin Disraeli ( Made famous by Mark Twain )

PSN ID: DeviantPathways

Wii Number: 0081 3044 1559 2355


DoesWhatNintenDont said:
Astrodust said:

In case you don't realize it there is a console war going on. At least between the 360 and the PS3, who share demographics. The Wii is competition too, but Sony and Microsoft know they need to focus on each other. They split the hardcore gamers. Nintendo gets everyone else.

No need to be such a rude abrasive wretch.

If you are too much of a fool to see that gamers will lose out by having an entire game experience broken up into segments (not expansions), simply to help the footing of certain titles and line the pockets of particular developers, then your precious war is only going to create victims in the people who enjoy and spend money in the entertainment sector itself.

Every war has victims! Do you think Gamecube owners loved the fact that GTA3 was only for PS2, even though gamecube graphics were like 2x better?

I think alot of people have the episodic content thing wrong...

First off, the game was never designed to have specific content just for Microsoft...

Microsoft went to take two once their financial problems came to light (approx 3 months ago) and said "hey, make us some exclusive episodic content, and we will give you cash" and taketwo agreed.

The game doesn't have hidden areas that will suddenly open, the only thing that people will get is more story.

Maybe the main characters evil twin brother comes to Liberty City and you have to hunt him down.. it will be extra content in form of story line and new missions, but not new maps.

Remember the key word here is "Episode", and not "add on" or "expansion".

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