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Astrodust said:

In case you don't realize it there is a console war going on. At least between the 360 and the PS3, who share demographics. The Wii is competition too, but Sony and Microsoft know they need to focus on each other. They split the hardcore gamers. Nintendo gets everyone else.

No need to be such a rude abrasive wretch.

If you are too much of a fool to see that gamers will lose out by having an entire game experience broken up into segments (not expansions), simply to help the footing of certain titles and line the pockets of particular developers, then your precious war is only going to create victims in the people who enjoy and spend money in the entertainment sector itself.


"There are three types of lies : Lies, damned lies, and statistics." - Benjamin Disraeli ( Made famous by Mark Twain )

PSN ID: DeviantPathways

Wii Number: 0081 3044 1559 2355