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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The "reviews don't matter" argument, as presented by Zenfoldor

psrock said:
I don't know what's more annoying, reviews or people who complain about reviews?

A question that we may never know the answer to.

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And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
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Without reviews we'd have nothing to argue about.

For most people a review doesnt matter if it doesnt agree with them, but suddenly starts to matter if it does.

Jo21 said:
those are WJRPG my stance those game shouldn't get even over 8. but thats another 10 cents
its not like 0.5 points are a huge diffrence

thats why there are many reviews... even if some of them are corrupted there is a average ratio.

look at Little big planet a refresing change from the shovelware casuals nintendo its getting and hardcore FPS that industry pumps out.

it have everything online , co op, multiplayer, awesome single player, impulse creativity.
and today overall one of the biggest score in gamming.

Wow this is horrible flamebait/ derailing material.  I don't know why you got banned, but this is reason enough for me.


currently playing: Skyward Sword, Mario Sunshine, Xenoblade Chronicles X

Rei said:
For most people a review doesnt matter if it doesnt agree with them, but suddenly starts to matter if it does.


But at least we have something to argue over .





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Million said:
I agree with this but the current review system is probably the best method we have of rating the quality of games despite it's obvious drawbacks , i wouldn't go as far as saying they don't matter but they definetley aren't very credible.

A. Standards change, so games rated now, who get low scores, are actually better than games from 10 or even 2 years ago.

>>>I don't think it would be possible to quanitfy a games quality in relation to games made X years ago and even if it was possible would the average user be able to understand them ?

B. Reviews aren't based off the quality of the game, but the hype surrounding it.

>>> True but at the same time the entertainment derived from the game could be largley due to the hype , I think the most important aspect of a game is it's entertainment value and if a reviewer feels entertained by a game partly because all his friends said the game was excellent then hasn't the end the developer intended been achieved ?

C. Standards differ between platforms.

>>> True but no one seems to care about this , it's our nature to compare even when comparison isn't fair . If some one goes to the shop to buy a game they'll have to choose between different genres wether they choose to or not . Comparison across genres is troublesome but also neccasery.

D. Reviewers are corrupt.

>>> Amen , let's hunt em all down.

I've said this a few times, but those aren't my arguments, they are simply common arguments. My arguments are in the text. Those arguments are all debatable, and opinion. That was my intent when listing them.


I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


johnsobas said:
Jo21 said:
those are WJRPG my stance those game shouldn't get even over 8. but thats another 10 cents
its not like 0.5 points are a huge diffrence

thats why there are many reviews... even if some of them are corrupted there is a average ratio.

look at Little big planet a refresing change from the shovelware casuals nintendo its getting and hardcore FPS that industry pumps out.

it have everything online , co op, multiplayer, awesome single player, impulse creativity.
and today overall one of the biggest score in gamming.

Wow this is horrible flamebait/ derailing material.  I don't know why you got banned, but this is reason enough for me.


That's why he got banned and it's no diffrent from the Haze and Lair comment below his.  His comment on Nintendo holds up strong compared to PS3 .  Does he have a biased opinion?  Yes, but it's no more reason to ban someone than your reply was.  In the end he doesn't name any game or point out that Nintendo is all shovelware... some may find him offensive, but those people are fanboys themselves.

On topic... Fallout 2 was an awsome game... is it better?  You need to play the 3rd to find that out, but the guys behind the 3rd game put out something magical around the same time as Fallout 2... Daggerfall.... give it a chance and then come back and tell us how you feel.


I hate AAA freaks

reviews don't matter that's why:

my lovely games :

games I hate:
the stupid GTA games , Metal Gear Solid ,

I don't think I've ever bought a game because it had good review scores. And I'm thankful for that.

Edit: Whoops, just remembered GTA:SA, what a load of stinkin' trash that was.

Bet - "PES 2009 (PS3) will sell (closer to) 150k first week in Japan" - Pooperscopper
"It will sell closer to 125k" - Me I agree.

End of '09 Predictions:

Wii: 78 million
X360: 35 million
PS3: 27 million

reviews should stick to rating a game Great Good OK Bad Abismal with most games getting Good and OK ratings.

The rest should be sentences in the review.

I mean in class you get a 100.... does that mean you're equal to the other guy that had 100? no it just means you both passed the test perfectly.... but a much harder test he could get 50 while you still get 100. Reviewers have opinions and as such rate diferently because of these.

Wii music for example is a badly reviewed game that reviewers say is for kids... well kids would give it 100. On the other hand, I doubt a little girl would give GT4 anything above a 2/100... cause shooting people doesn't resonate with her. When all reviewers are 20-35 male they tend to have tastes that go with it...


Enchanted - DS
Avg Ratio: 65%
Based On 4 Media Outlets
That is a D score.... my girlfriend borrowed it from her cousin, she liked it a lot and wanted me to buy it for her.

The best example of Review not reviewing the game itself:

Dynasty Warriors 4 - PS2
Avg Ratio: 78%
Based On 46 Media Outlets

Dynasty Warriors 5: Xtreme Legends - PS2
Avg Ratio: 59%
Based On 24 Media Outlets

Dynasty Warriors 6 - PS3
Avg Ratio: 60%
Based On 32 Media Outlets

How does a game, known for almost not changing at all in it's iterations, that scores well (78% is more than decent) then turns bad (59%) when you add stuff to it?? or even when you boost all it's atributes for the HD one???
The low scores are there because reviewers think the game is the same, not new...they don't rate the game but the fact that they are bored playing it so many times for reviewing all iterations.

I personnaly bought 2 and 3 of these series... wanted a new one recently but didn't know between gundamn or 6.... well I can't say that review scores have been much help.