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Forums - Sony Discussion - The Official Resistance 2 Review Thread!

It's the same as everyone who got angry at IGN for the low Fable 2 score. This time its reversed.


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Resistance 2 received a 95 at IGN. That is higher than their score for Gears I.

My most anticipated games:  Whatever Hideo Kojima is going to do next, Final Fantasy XIII, Final Fantasy Versus XIII, Gran Turismo 5, Alan Wake, Wii Sports Resort.  Cave Story Wiiware.

ultimate_123 said:
Lol @ everyone being angry over 1up becasue of 1up. Such fanboys, just enjoy the game instead of being angry that a site gave it a low score so you can brag about it on forums if it got a good score.

Look 1up gave R2 an 8.3. is that a joke??

especially when a short game like fable 2 gets 9.2 from them

and Resistance 2 is better than Fable 2 in every way

just wait for more reviews to pour in and you will see

1up/gamespot/edge and eurogamer and playtm will give R2 an 8/8.5 or something lower than 9.

all other websites will give r2 a 9 or above


Nzgamer gave r2 a 9.2/10

They gave the first one an 8/10

why does EU get fucked over with a Nov 28 release? I'm damn glad to be North American right now

Was there any need to jack almost every single picture from the Official Resistance 2 Thread on neogaf? >_>

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Great scores for a great game. I really liked the original. I really love FPS, it unfortunate that I don't have the opportunity to play this since I don't own a PS3......sigh, several of my buddies do though....XD. We have already made deals. I get to come over and play R2, they get to come over and play Gears 2.....going to be a fun holiday.

^ Go buy a PS3. You won't regret it.
Come to the dark side. We have Vader.

OT: The awesome reviews are pouring in! I'm going to say Gamespot 9, Edge 9, Eurogamer 8, and 9+ for every other (good) reviewer.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

Kantor said:

^ Go buy a PS3. You won't regret it.
Come to the dark side. We have Vader.

OT: The awesome reviews are pouring in! I'm going to say Gamespot 9, Edge 9, Eurogamer 8, and 9+ for every other (good) reviewer.

man you are too good a human being

edge/gamespot and eurogamer are serious ps3 haters

They wont give Resistance 2 anything over 8

However R2 will get 9 or 9.5 or 10 from other reviewers

xplay/gamepro will give r2 a perfect score

gaming age and other sites will also give it a perfect score


lwhatee said:
ultimate_123 said:
Lol @ everyone being angry over 1up becasue of 1up. Such fanboys, just enjoy the game instead of being angry that a site gave it a low score so you can brag about it on forums if it got a good score.

Look 1up gave R2 an 8.3. is that a joke??

especially when a short game like fable 2 gets 9.2 from them

and Resistance 2 is better than Fable 2 in every way

just wait for more reviews to pour in and you will see

1up/gamespot/edge and eurogamer and playtm will give R2 an 8/8.5 or something lower than 9.

all other websites will give r2 a 9 or above


Nzgamer gave r2 a 9.2/10

They gave the first one an 8/10

So? Its an opinion isn't it? That huy at 1up may not liked the style the gameplay whatnot however he may have liked Fable 2's gameplay, stely etc. And i get especially angry at them people who think that 1 review is going to change the outlook of the game (DmeisterJ).


End of '08 predictions (made by theprof00): PS3: 20m, 360: 23.5m, wii: 42m

Now Playin':  PS3|Resistance 2, LBP, Uncharted and Fifa 09, PSP| Ratchet and Clank: Size matters, 360| Gears of war 2 and Fallout 3.

makingmusic476 said:
Was there any need to jack almost every single picture from the Official Resistance 2 Thread on neogaf? >_>

actually its only 25% of the pictures on that neo-gaf thread.

+ I feel the pictures give a bit of a make the thread seem less bland.


All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey