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Forums - Sony Discussion - reviews Resistance 2.

Euphoria14 said:


I am not expecting a perfect score either. I think an 85 is a great score. It is just that in terms of FPS right now, what offers more, specially multiplayer wise than R2 is offering?

Some may be making assumptions of 1UP, I personally do not care, I just see it in a different way so of course opinions are going to be different. They loved LBP, so I have no beef with them.


Lots of games offer multiplayer. I think the problem here is the bullet points about the game are so deeply engrained in the fans psyche at this point, that you've forgotten the game is judged based on fun, and not features.

It's possible that many games offer better multiplayer than Resistance 2, old and new. While I'm sure R2 is great on all levels, I wouldn't be surprised if an equal online shooting experience was found in the original CounterStrike, UT, or even Halo 2.

If we could review games based on bulletpoints, MAG is going to be the best online shooter of all time. More features can bring new problems, while fixing old ones.

That said, I hear R2 has amazing multiplayer. I wouldn't know much or care much about multiplayer though.

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vlad321 said:
Kantor said:
I haven't liked 1UP since they gave an A- to Wii Music.
So, Wii Music is better than Resistance 2? Pfft.


Yes. An alien shooter vs something that hasn't been done before? I would have thought the answer would be obvious. For the record I haven't played either yet. Can't wait to get my hands on both of them in the coming months though.


Allowing an actual casual gamer to review a game aimed at casuals....makes 1up one of the most progressive review sites on the Internet, and it's a big step in the right direction. Flaming them for it, is rediculious and/or uninformed.

Also, websites don't review games, people do. Different people reviewed Wii Music and Resistance 2.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
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That's weird, all the reviews I've read said that there are no frame rate hiccups at all yet he mentions that there is an occasional slowdown when respawning after an active fire fight. I'm not saying that the reviewer is wrong or all the others are wrong, but I just think that they should have caught the slowdown.

I'm willing to accept a B+ for this game. But a B+ is an 89 and not an 83. This is a similar deal to that score that Metacritic gave Disgaea III which should have made Disgaea III's overall score equal to or better than that for Tales of Vesperia, yet it seems as if Metacritic gipped Disgaea III on that one score. I don't remember exactly what it was, but it was like a site gave Disgaea III a B and Metacritic said that meant it was a 67.

My most anticipated games:  Whatever Hideo Kojima is going to do next, Final Fantasy XIII, Final Fantasy Versus XIII, Gran Turismo 5, Alan Wake, Wii Sports Resort.  Cave Story Wiiware.

Paul_Warren said:
I'm willing to accept a B+ for this game. But a B+ is an 89 and not an 83. This is a similar deal to that score that Metacritic gave Disgaea III which should have made Disgaea III's overall score equal to or better than that for Tales of Vesperia, yet it seems as if Metacritic gipped Disgaea III on that one score. I don't remember exactly what it was, but it was like a site gave Disgaea III a B and Metacritic said that meant it was a 67.


Yea I know what u mean, B+ as 83, that's just crazy. Taken from Wikipedia:

Grade percentage
A 90%–100%
B 80%–89%
C 70%–79%
D 60%–69%
F 59% and below

oh and LOL at a  B being a 67.

Edit: Just checked out Metacritic's score for R:FOM, and even though 1Up gave it an A-, they translated that as an 85 LOL.

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bbsin said:

Can't really say if I agree or disagree with him being that I've yet to play it, but the words and final score just doesn't match up. Shouldn't a game that's better than the previous installment in every single aspect atleast match or get a higher score than it?

No. Standards change and have advanced since the first one was released. The review effectly states, that while the sequel improves upon the original in every way standards have improved by more over that time.


Debating with fanboys, its not
all that dissimilar to banging ones
head against a wall 

Okay, I've done my research. According to 1up,

Soulcalibur IV is better than MGS4
Wii Music is as good as MGS4
Wii Music is better than Resistance 2.


I am aware that they are different reviewers, but still. Soulcalibur 4 is NOT an A, Wii Music is NOT an A-, MGS4 being an A- is debatable, and R2 is NOT a B+!

EDIT: Let me put this into perspective.

Soulcalibur IV. 1UP: A. IGN: 8.7. Metacritic 85
Wii Music. 1UP: A-. IGN: 5. Metacritic 61.
Resistance 2. 1UP B+. IGN 9.5. Metacritic 91.

MGS4. 1UP A-. IGN 10

Notice that with both of the exclusives, the IGN score is higher, the multiplat, 1UP is slightly higher, and the Wii exclusive, (according to metacritic's letter-number scale) is 41% higher on 1UP than on IGN.

Pretty much the same thing with metacritic.


(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

The problem of games constantly improving is why I'm against the inclusion of any sort of absolute value, letter or number-based, being attached to reviews.

Good to know they liked it, though. When and if I get a PS3 I'll pick it up.

Kantor said:
Okay, I've done my research. According to 1up,

Soulcalibur IV is better than MGS4
Wii Music is as good as MGS4
Wii Music is better than Resistance 2.


I am aware that they are different reviewers, but still. Soulcalibur 4 is NOT an A, Wii Music is NOT an A-, MGS4 being an A- is debatable, and R2 is NOT a B+!


Speaking of frothing fanboys....


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vlad321 said:
Kantor said:
I haven't liked 1UP since they gave an A- to Wii Music.
So, Wii Music is better than Resistance 2? Pfft.


Yes. An alien shooter vs something that hasn't been done before? I would have thought the answer would be obvious. For the record I haven't played either yet. Can't wait to get my hands on both of them in the coming months though.

Army of Two hadn't been done before. Wii Sports hadn't been done before. Lair hadn't been done before.

Does that make them good?

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective