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Paul_Warren said:
I'm willing to accept a B+ for this game. But a B+ is an 89 and not an 83. This is a similar deal to that score that Metacritic gave Disgaea III which should have made Disgaea III's overall score equal to or better than that for Tales of Vesperia, yet it seems as if Metacritic gipped Disgaea III on that one score. I don't remember exactly what it was, but it was like a site gave Disgaea III a B and Metacritic said that meant it was a 67.


Yea I know what u mean, B+ as 83, that's just crazy. Taken from Wikipedia:

Grade percentage
A 90%–100%
B 80%–89%
C 70%–79%
D 60%–69%
F 59% and below

oh and LOL at a  B being a 67.

Edit: Just checked out Metacritic's score for R:FOM, and even though 1Up gave it an A-, they translated that as an 85 LOL.