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Forums - Sony Discussion - Resistance 2 will get higher metacritic score than Gears of war 2!

I guess it's some sort of bunker mentality.

The difference is that PS3 exclusives like Uncharted, Killzone2, Gran Turismo Prologue, MGS4 and yes Resistance2 look better than most if not all 360 games. Definitely all if you take away the graphic gods from Epic (which made the also beautiful UT for PS3 and 360)

So its hard to blame worse multiplatform graphics on PS3 on Sony.

PC developers are simply the best devs in the world and surprisingly they are more at ease programming DirectX. Who guessed?

If your 360 showed you the ring of love there was only one entity to blame. Microsoft.

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Not going to happen

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Currently playing Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2, Fallout 3, Halo ODST and Dragon Age Origins is next game

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Yes, we certainly can blame poor graphics on Sony. They developed a needlessly complex console to develop on.

As for PS3 exclusives, claiming they look better than some 360 exclusives is not necessarily the case. Gears 2, in my and mosts opinions, accomplishes more graphically than Uncharted, on a slighly technically inferior console. Very few or no games, ever, can claim graphical superiority over Gears 2, on a console.

Just look at the gamespy review, to see paid professionals who agree with my opinion. Them, and many others. It's no secret that 9.5 graphics score from IGN for Gears 2 verses a 9 for Resistance 2 is the case. In fact, some reviewers have claimed R2 had dissapointing graphics.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.



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Release Date: 11/7/2008
Category: Action, Shooter, Third-Person, Sci-Fi
The wait is over, Gears of War 2 has arrived. Ever since the original was released, fans have clamored for this sequel. Developed exclusively for the Xbox 360 by Epic Games, Gears of War 2, which has already garnered several awards, picks up six months after the events of the blockbuster original Gears of War. Players are thrown back into the role of Marcus Fenix, leading the battle for humankind's survival against the Locust Horde. With innovative third-person tactical action gameplay and unsurpassed high-definition graphics, Gears of War 2 is a must-have game for the Xbox 360.
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    Release Date: 11/4/2008
    Category: Action, Shooter, First-Person, Modern
    After a valiant struggle to stop the Chimera invasion in Europe, mankind must make its last stand on the shores of the United States. Resistance 2 places players in the heroic role of Sgt. Nathan Hale as he struggles against overwhelming odds to defend mankind from the unstoppable Chimera. While wrestling with this insidious war machine, Hale must also battle the virus raging inside of his own body that threatens to transform him into the very creatures he fights against. Powered by Insomniac Games' third-generation PS3 technology, Resistance 2 features a stand-alone eight-player, class-based online co-op campaign (up to 8 players) and 60-player online competitive multiplayer. An epic single-player campaign features a new weapons arsenal to combat giant boss encounters that increase the scale of the conflict to new heights. And players enjoy a new level of community support.
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    I don't need your console war.
    It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
    You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
    I don't need your console war.

    NO NO, NO NO NO.

    ocnkng said:
    Bitmap Frogs said:
    mtofu said:
    Squilliam said:
    Bitmap Frogs said:

    Wait you mean its not Microsofts fault for making an incredibly well balanced architecture that makes it easy to work on and performs so well?

    Its not Microsofts fault that multiplat developers have to be told to use the SDK for the PS3 because the 360 one is so much easier/productive to use?

    You mean its not Microsofts fault that they release updates to their SDKs which give improved performance to games without developers having to lift a finger?

    You mean its not Microsofts fault that developers have to work harder on the PS3 just to make an equal game?

    Wait, whose fault is it again?



    I'm blind with rage at MS, too!



    Yeah lol. I mean, if during the peak of the RROD fiasco (late 2006/early 2007) any 360 user started going "it's the manufacturers fault, MS did no wrong" or "it's the engineer's being lazy, the Xenos is so super-duper-awesome that they haven't figured yet how to attach it to a motherboard without melting it" we'd laugh at them. We blamed Microsoft hardcore and made all the noise we could until they bowed down and extended the warranty.

    I guess it's some sort of bunker mentality.

    Wait. You are comparing the RROD (hardware problem) with the issue of marginally (subjective) inferior ports on the PS3

    are you serious?



    I'm comparing userbase response. On issues that are 100% caused by the platform holder incompetence one side was demanding for heads to roll and the other was (is) busy finding scapegoats.

    Current-gen game collection uploaded on the profile, full of win and good games; also most of my PC games. Lucasfilm Games/LucasArts 1982-2008 (Requiescat In Pace).

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    They developed a needlessly complex console to develop on.

    I don't believe that. If this was the case PS3 exclusives wouldn't look that good. If a small developer like Naughty Dog can make a game that looks on par with the prime franchise of Epic, the company with the best graphic skills in the world, the PS3 cannot be THAT hard to program.
    I will not deny for a second that every PC developer has it much easier using Visual Studio to program DirectX. I mean the 360 is essentially a small PC with multicore CPU. We shouldn't forget that the 360 had 1 year head-start as well.

    Of course these are all excuses, the important question is how do the games look? In the beginning it was bad. I absolutely hated the loadtimes of the Orange Box. But at the moment its irrelevant. Most games look just as good on both platforms and the PS3 exclusives look IMO slightly better. Nothing game changing of course.

    claiming they look better than some 360 exclusives is not necessarily the case. Gears 2, in my and mosts opinions, accomplishes more graphically than Uncharted

    Even if that was the case, Uncharted is a year old and Killzone2 seems to look just as good as Gears2 (which looks amazing but not quite as perfect in the review videos as some screenshots made it look) And as I said Epic is an exception and you have to like their over-the top art direction with lots of specular highlights, LOTS of bloom ... (and UT did look very similar on PS3, although I would never buy a multiplayer only FPS on a console)

    I think at the moment graphics are a wash so developing cannot be that different. The differences are only for nerds to discuss. (sadly I am a graphic nerd so I will discuss it )

    Heres one for the PS3 fans to scream conspiracy! The Gamespy review for Resistance 2 is 4.5 stars out of 5 ( at least it seems so from the picture ) but Metacritic lists it as 80. I checked other scores and when its 4.5, its usually 90.

    Conspiracy! lol

    well that settles it, ive pre ordered r2 for 32quid................ a rich single player and best online multiplayer on a console. i cnt wait........... btw theres a similar horde type mode but diff is more enemies on screen. i might try gears2 after xmas but i also want cod5 then killzone will be released. so it may be difficult to get gears2w. theres simply to many good games coming out on ps3. guess il have to wait till gears goes into the "2 for 30pounds range" in gamestation.................bollocks to fanboy reviewers

    ...not much time to post anymore, used to be awesome on here really good fond memories from VGchartz...

    PSN: Skeeuk - XBL: SkeeUK - PC: Skeeuk

    really miss the VGCHARTZ of 2008 - 2013...

    EaglesEye379 said:
    Heres one for the PS3 fans to scream conspiracy! The Gamespy review for Resistance 2 is 4.5 stars out of 5 ( at least it seems so from the picture ) but Metacritic lists it as 80. I checked other scores and when its 4.5, its usually 90.

    Conspiracy! lol

    fanboy reviewers wouldnt suprise me. imo there should be a top 20 or something "licenced reviewers" the rest of the flabber jabber who dont know anything should be arrested and charged!

    ...not much time to post anymore, used to be awesome on here really good fond memories from VGchartz...

    PSN: Skeeuk - XBL: SkeeUK - PC: Skeeuk

    really miss the VGCHARTZ of 2008 - 2013...

    megaman2 said:

    Dear Twestern, Montana, Nazna etc., Please ban me for a month if Gow2 getst a higher metacritic score!

    Resistance 2 will get higher metacritic score than Gears of war 2, The ign review sealed the deal. R2 is a huge improvement compared to Rfom, im so confident that Resistance 2 will get a higher score then Gears of war 2 that im willing to sacrifice a 1 moth ban!

    Yours sincerely, Megaman2

    Resistance is futile!


     Can I have what you have been smoking and get ready to be banned.  No way resistance 2 outsells gears 2.

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