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They developed a needlessly complex console to develop on.

I don't believe that. If this was the case PS3 exclusives wouldn't look that good. If a small developer like Naughty Dog can make a game that looks on par with the prime franchise of Epic, the company with the best graphic skills in the world, the PS3 cannot be THAT hard to program.
I will not deny for a second that every PC developer has it much easier using Visual Studio to program DirectX. I mean the 360 is essentially a small PC with multicore CPU. We shouldn't forget that the 360 had 1 year head-start as well.

Of course these are all excuses, the important question is how do the games look? In the beginning it was bad. I absolutely hated the loadtimes of the Orange Box. But at the moment its irrelevant. Most games look just as good on both platforms and the PS3 exclusives look IMO slightly better. Nothing game changing of course.

claiming they look better than some 360 exclusives is not necessarily the case. Gears 2, in my and mosts opinions, accomplishes more graphically than Uncharted

Even if that was the case, Uncharted is a year old and Killzone2 seems to look just as good as Gears2 (which looks amazing but not quite as perfect in the review videos as some screenshots made it look) And as I said Epic is an exception and you have to like their over-the top art direction with lots of specular highlights, LOTS of bloom ... (and UT did look very similar on PS3, although I would never buy a multiplayer only FPS on a console)

I think at the moment graphics are a wash so developing cannot be that different. The differences are only for nerds to discuss. (sadly I am a graphic nerd so I will discuss it )