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Forums - Sony Discussion - Resistance 2 will get higher metacritic score than Gears of war 2!

polezo said:
ZenfoldorVGI said:

1. Opinions are invalide when they aren't opinions, but assumptions. If some one has never played either game, they don't have an opinion about the, they have an assumption. In your example, if you said Oblivion and God of War are just as good, but you had never played Oblivion, then that would be an assumption. Invalid.

2. Hell yes, I believe IGN tied these games on purpose. Maybe to be fair and balanced, maybe because the teams made a deal with each other, so they wouldn't over-rate, but yes. There are a million reasons to tie it, and none to name a winner, because it would do nothing but get a large mob of fanboys with assumptions to discredit them. If the games were close, I have no doubt that it was debated on how to score them against each other. IGN doesnt' use an averaging system. The reviewers could give those games any final scores they wanted. You think those scores weren't even discussed before they were posted? Most people realize that this was probably(but unprovably) a cop-out by IGN. The motives are obvious, and real. You sir, are naive if you believe that is impossible.

3. All reviews are opinion. Facts and bullet points mean nothing. Reviewers don't score games based on the positives and negatives you can come up with. Giving that information in a review is fine. The important thing is if the game came together in a cohesive and immersive package. That, my friend, is all a score means. An opinion. A critic without an opinion is like a carpenter without a hammer. Being able to look past ones own opinion and score a game based on what general fans of the games opinion would be, is what Famitsu does. Nobody is ever completely unbiased, and attempting such will inevitably lead to misratings of games by overcompensation.


I really dont think they lined the scores up just to stop arguments/please fanboys. IGN has more integrity than people give them credit for, and strictly speaking it is only ONE reviewer who comes up with the score for a game.  In fact, you often hear editors calling each other out because of this--Matt Cassamasina of IGN Wii said there is no way he would have given either MSG4 or GTAIV a 10 if he had been reviewing them, but he still respects the other reviewers opinions.  I also hear them making fun of the UK and AU reviews frequently.

They're pretty up front about answering questions about their review process as well and each team (the Playstation, Xbox,  and Nintendo teams) has their own dedicated network to do so.

Now, I'm not saying that they dont influence eachother by any means, but the only time they actually get together and have look at all the games across platforms together, is when they're voting for the end of year awards and GOTY. 

All that said, I'll give you one caveat.  Nuts and Bolts is coming in with a lot of hype and is a creative platformer similar to LBP in some ways (and looked upon by fanboys in a similar light, at least)... if IGN gives it the EXACT same score as Little Big Planet, it will give your suspiscion some clout. 


Well, your integrity argument is very valid, and I respect it. I just thought that you didn't believe it could ever happen. I think the PS3 and 360 teams are next door to each other, and I guarntee it was discussed, but wheather either score was changed, or it was a conincidence, is just indeterminable.

As for the Nuts and Planet comparison, I don't think it'll hold water either way. Those aren't two games you could tie without controversy, and they are also released at two different times, and have differing amounts of hype amongst the communities.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


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Man, being a staunch Sony supporter is so great: when you get crappy games, it's the reviewers hatin'. When you get inferior multiplatform ports, it's the developers being lazy. Blame everyone except the guys who own and run the console ecosystem.

Current-gen game collection uploaded on the profile, full of win and good games; also most of my PC games. Lucasfilm Games/LucasArts 1982-2008 (Requiescat In Pace).

Bitmap Frogs said:
Man, being a staunch Sony supporter is so great: when you get crappy games, it's the reviewers hatin'. When you get inferior multiplatform ports, it's the developers being lazy. Blame everyone except the guys who own and run the console ecosystem.

Wait you mean its not Microsofts fault for making an incredibly well balanced architecture that makes it easy to work on and performs so well?

Its not Microsofts fault that multiplat developers have to be told to use the SDK for the PS3 because the 360 one is so much easier/productive to use?

You mean its not Microsofts fault that they release updates to their SDKs which give improved performance to games without developers having to lift a finger?

You mean its not Microsofts fault that developers have to work harder on the PS3 just to make an equal game?

Wait, whose fault is it again?




Squilliam said:
Bitmap Frogs said:

Wait you mean its not Microsofts fault for making an incredibly well balanced architecture that makes it easy to work on and performs so well?

Its not Microsofts fault that multiplat developers have to be told to use the SDK for the PS3 because the 360 one is so much easier/productive to use?

You mean its not Microsofts fault that they release updates to their SDKs which give improved performance to games without developers having to lift a finger?

You mean its not Microsofts fault that developers have to work harder on the PS3 just to make an equal game?

Wait, whose fault is it again?



I'm blind with rage at MS, too!


LOL if anyone thought that Resistance2 would have such good review scores as it has he was optimistic.

I love Insomniac but that they even are in the running against a FPS juggernaut like Epic is amazing.

Now lets see what Killzone2 is able to pull off. Good gaming months ahead.

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Was never gonna to be Sony does not pay for reviews. AKA MS Halo3 800$ gift bag.

Gears1 is one of the most overrated games ever, Grears2 being better was always gonna get similar or higher reviews.

Gears2 and Killzone2 is a much better battle.

mtofu said:
Squilliam said:
Bitmap Frogs said:

Wait you mean its not Microsofts fault for making an incredibly well balanced architecture that makes it easy to work on and performs so well?

Its not Microsofts fault that multiplat developers have to be told to use the SDK for the PS3 because the 360 one is so much easier/productive to use?

You mean its not Microsofts fault that they release updates to their SDKs which give improved performance to games without developers having to lift a finger?

You mean its not Microsofts fault that developers have to work harder on the PS3 just to make an equal game?

Wait, whose fault is it again?



I'm blind with rage at MS, too!



Yeah lol. I mean, if during the peak of the RROD fiasco (late 2006/early 2007) any 360 user started going "it's the manufacturers fault, MS did no wrong" or "it's the engineer's being lazy, the Xenos is so super-duper-awesome that they haven't figured yet how to attach it to a motherboard without melting it" we'd laugh at them. We blamed Microsoft hardcore and made all the noise we could until they bowed down and extended the warranty.

I guess it's some sort of bunker mentality.

Current-gen game collection uploaded on the profile, full of win and good games; also most of my PC games. Lucasfilm Games/LucasArts 1982-2008 (Requiescat In Pace).

Resistance 2 > Gears 2

Multiplayer on Resistance is the best a console has even seen. Period. Maps are amazingly well designed and I can tell you that from just playing 3 of them in the beta.

Co-op is innovative and fun to play, once again the best put together on a console.

I'll reserve my judgement on the Single Player until I actually play it but if it is anything near as good as the first's, then it will be very good.

The only gripe for me is that the graphics aren't top notch. Oh well, Uncharted still has the graphics crown on consoles until Killzone 2 comes out in February.

The game is the shooter of the year, if not the generation. Brilliant game.

Bitmap Frogs said:
mtofu said:
Squilliam said:
Bitmap Frogs said:

Wait you mean its not Microsofts fault for making an incredibly well balanced architecture that makes it easy to work on and performs so well?

Its not Microsofts fault that multiplat developers have to be told to use the SDK for the PS3 because the 360 one is so much easier/productive to use?

You mean its not Microsofts fault that they release updates to their SDKs which give improved performance to games without developers having to lift a finger?

You mean its not Microsofts fault that developers have to work harder on the PS3 just to make an equal game?

Wait, whose fault is it again?



I'm blind with rage at MS, too!



Yeah lol. I mean, if during the peak of the RROD fiasco (late 2006/early 2007) any 360 user started going "it's the manufacturers fault, MS did no wrong" or "it's the engineer's being lazy, the Xenos is so super-duper-awesome that they haven't figured yet how to attach it to a motherboard without melting it" we'd laugh at them. We blamed Microsoft hardcore and made all the noise we could until they bowed down and extended the warranty.

I guess it's some sort of bunker mentality.

Wait. You are comparing the RROD (hardware problem) with the issue of marginally (subjective) inferior ports on the PS3

are you serious?



It is better to die on one's feet

then live on one's knees

Snaaaaaake said:
Resistance 2 > Gears 2

Multiplayer on Resistance is the best a console has even seen. Period. Maps are amazingly well designed and I can tell you that from just playing 3 of them in the beta.

Co-op is innovative and fun to play, once again the best put together on a console.

I'll reserve my judgement on the Single Player until I actually play it but if it is anything near as good as the first's, then it will be very good.

The only gripe for me is that the graphics aren't top notch. Oh well, Uncharted still has the graphics crown on consoles until Killzone 2 comes out in February.

The game is the shooter of the year, if not the generation. Brilliant game.

First, everything you've said it opinion. Second, I highly doubt that anything can approach Gears 2's Co-Op, which the game was designed around(and was the best part of Gears 1). Even if it's just 2 players, it's still fun as hell. That's the problem with a lot of people and their assumptions about R2. They believe that bullet points and high numbers for multiplayer = better multiplayer. Numbers of players aren't really a big part of multiplayer, and after 4, it hits diminishing returns. Get too many, it's just a cluster-f%^k.

R2 is not the shooter of the year, of the generation, or even of the week, lol. You just like the game a lot because you like PS3 exclusives. I've seen your other post. It's no coincidence that you also hate on 360 exclusives.

R2 is a great game...but it's not dominating anything, and its "innovation" really doesn't exist. They are just bullet points that few games will ever make the mistake of copying.

L4D and Gears 2 almost certainly will manage a more balanced multiplayer experience. If L4D were 8 player co-op instead of 4, it would be...worse. It's about balance, and Cliffy knows multiplayer.

When most people play a game before release they get caught up in the hype, believing they are being let in on something special and when the public gets ahold of it, they will go nuts. The reality is you are probably just biased for the game. I'm not saying R2 isn't great, but imo, calling it "shooter of the year, if not the generation," is probably vastly overhyping it.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.