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Snaaaaaake said:
Resistance 2 > Gears 2

Multiplayer on Resistance is the best a console has even seen. Period. Maps are amazingly well designed and I can tell you that from just playing 3 of them in the beta.

Co-op is innovative and fun to play, once again the best put together on a console.

I'll reserve my judgement on the Single Player until I actually play it but if it is anything near as good as the first's, then it will be very good.

The only gripe for me is that the graphics aren't top notch. Oh well, Uncharted still has the graphics crown on consoles until Killzone 2 comes out in February.

The game is the shooter of the year, if not the generation. Brilliant game.

First, everything you've said it opinion. Second, I highly doubt that anything can approach Gears 2's Co-Op, which the game was designed around(and was the best part of Gears 1). Even if it's just 2 players, it's still fun as hell. That's the problem with a lot of people and their assumptions about R2. They believe that bullet points and high numbers for multiplayer = better multiplayer. Numbers of players aren't really a big part of multiplayer, and after 4, it hits diminishing returns. Get too many, it's just a cluster-f%^k.

R2 is not the shooter of the year, of the generation, or even of the week, lol. You just like the game a lot because you like PS3 exclusives. I've seen your other post. It's no coincidence that you also hate on 360 exclusives.

R2 is a great game...but it's not dominating anything, and its "innovation" really doesn't exist. They are just bullet points that few games will ever make the mistake of copying.

L4D and Gears 2 almost certainly will manage a more balanced multiplayer experience. If L4D were 8 player co-op instead of 4, it would be...worse. It's about balance, and Cliffy knows multiplayer.

When most people play a game before release they get caught up in the hype, believing they are being let in on something special and when the public gets ahold of it, they will go nuts. The reality is you are probably just biased for the game. I'm not saying R2 isn't great, but imo, calling it "shooter of the year, if not the generation," is probably vastly overhyping it.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.