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mtofu said:
Squilliam said:
Bitmap Frogs said:

Wait you mean its not Microsofts fault for making an incredibly well balanced architecture that makes it easy to work on and performs so well?

Its not Microsofts fault that multiplat developers have to be told to use the SDK for the PS3 because the 360 one is so much easier/productive to use?

You mean its not Microsofts fault that they release updates to their SDKs which give improved performance to games without developers having to lift a finger?

You mean its not Microsofts fault that developers have to work harder on the PS3 just to make an equal game?

Wait, whose fault is it again?



I'm blind with rage at MS, too!



Yeah lol. I mean, if during the peak of the RROD fiasco (late 2006/early 2007) any 360 user started going "it's the manufacturers fault, MS did no wrong" or "it's the engineer's being lazy, the Xenos is so super-duper-awesome that they haven't figured yet how to attach it to a motherboard without melting it" we'd laugh at them. We blamed Microsoft hardcore and made all the noise we could until they bowed down and extended the warranty.

I guess it's some sort of bunker mentality.

Current-gen game collection uploaded on the profile, full of win and good games; also most of my PC games. Lucasfilm Games/LucasArts 1982-2008 (Requiescat In Pace).