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ultimate_123 said:
Ahh but that is next year. It may sound like a small time but if for the next year the 360 does a draw and a price-cut happens right at the end of '09 it'll be too late to take down the 5.5 million IMO.

Gran Turismo will take care of that 5.5 all by it self in Europe alone.




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DMeisterJ said:

Europeans really didn't care for Fable 2 that much, seeing as that the PS3 still won over 360.



 LOL at the Fable 2 comments. Fable 2 was out Friday 25/10/08. Nowhere near a full week on sale in Others. And yes EU love Fable 2. Thats all I here at work. Even PS3 owners I know at work have picked up 360's Monday and today just to play it. Not just 360 owners touting it's awesomeness but every console owner.

If Sony ever starts losing badly in EU it's all over for them this generation. I'm noticing that the EU sales are what keep it afloat. Japan used to help but now that is gone.

Love the product, not the company. They love your money, not you.


selnor said:
DMeisterJ said:

Europeans really didn't care for Fable 2 that much, seeing as that the PS3 still won over 360.



 LOL at the Fable 2 comments. Fable 2 was out Friday 25/10/08. Nowhere near a full week on sale in Others. And yes EU love Fable 2. Thats all I here at work. Even PS3 owners I know at work have picked up 360's Monday and today just to play it. Not just 360 owners touting it's awesomeness but every console owner.

All games released in EU only have 2 days of sales.



Also, to the Resistance conversation earlier in the thread.

Resistance was in a bundle for 3 months. From July to September, Sony put Motorstorm and Resistance in a bundle only in Europe.

Adding the sales from week ending July 7th to September 29th is 240,776 units. People love to undermine the PS3.

So the bundles have accounted for ~17% (out of a total 1.45 mil) of Resistance's sales in EU. Thats discounting the 1 mil in US as well.

The bundle started July 13th. And the Starter Pack was dwindling in supply in early August. I gave you two extra weeks in July and the whole month of September.

For future reference

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.

twingo said:
ultimate_123 said:
Ahh but that is next year. It may sound like a small time but if for the next year the 360 does a draw and a price-cut happens right at the end of '09 it'll be too late to take down the 5.5 million IMO.

Gran Turismo will take care of that 5.5 all by it self in Europe alone.





 That's odd. No GT has sold more than 6.5M in Europe, and it is likely that GT5 will end at ~ 5M. So unles every GT will be from a new owner, this is very unlikely.

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS

Around the Network
Goddbless said:
If Sony ever starts losing badly in EU it's all over for them this generation. I'm noticing that the EU sales are what keep it afloat. Japan used to help but now that is gone.

Swap Sony with MS and EU with USA, erase Japan, that never mattered in this case, and you obtain an as much valid sentence. Both PS3 and XB360 are very unevenly spread and successful around the world, unlike Wii, that rocks everywhere. But Sony has still a lot of possible price cut cards to play in the future, while MS still has only two, cut at $150 and at $100, and these cards will be playable only when XB360 will be dirt cheap to produce, towards the end of its life. And Wii, although it started from a lower price, and although it doesn't need it now, could still, if necessary, play price cut card one time more than MS.


Stwike him, Centuwion. Stwike him vewy wuffly! (Pontius Pilate, "Life of Brian")
A fart without stink is like a sky without stars.
TGS, Third Grade Shooter: brand new genre invented by Kevin Butler exclusively for Natal WiiToo Kinect. PEW! PEW-PEW-PEW! 

Alby_da_Wolf said:
Goddbless said:
If Sony ever starts losing badly in EU it's all over for them this generation. I'm noticing that the EU sales are what keep it afloat. Japan used to help but now that is gone.

Swap Sony with MS and EU with USA, erase Japan, that never mattered in this case, and you obtain an as much valid sentence. Both PS3 and XB360 are very unevenly spread and successful around the world, unlike Wii, that rocks everywhere. But Sony has still a lot of possible price cut cards to play in the future, while MS still has only two, cut at $150 and at $100, and these cards will be playable only when XB360 will be dirt cheap to produce, towards the end of its life. And Wii, although it started from a lower price, and although it doesn't need it now, could still, if necessary, play price cut card one time more than MS.


The thing with the price cut card is if you play it too late it doesn't matter. I feel MS should've had these prices sooner. As for Sony I'm not sure yet but things are always clearer in hindsight.


Love the product, not the company. They love your money, not you.


selnor said:
DMeisterJ said:

Europeans really didn't care for Fable 2 that much, seeing as that the PS3 still won over 360.


 LOL at the Fable 2 comments. Fable 2 was out Friday 25/10/08. Nowhere near a full week on sale in Others. And yes EU love Fable 2. Thats all I here at work. Even PS3 owners I know at work have picked up 360's Monday and today just to play it. Not just 360 owners touting it's awesomeness but every console owner.

Every game launches on Friday.

Sad excuse.