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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Starcrafts signature will shine! Xbox 360 will have > 20 90+ games xmas 09?

gebx said:

Its of comparison of replay value and fun... ?


 would you compare geo wars to halo 3? or gears of war? both "aaa" yet only give you 6-8 hours of gameplay with very little replay value. are they in the same boat as mgs4?

it's a stupi comparison. any arcade title can give you hours of replay. that's what they're there for, because it's all about nothcing up a top score, which never ends technically. same goes with sshd and pixel junk monsters. once again; stupid comparison.

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Bitmap Frogs said:
SpartanFX said:
Bitmap Frogs said:
SpartanFX said:
you know what really is sad,,,last year 360 owners had halo3 ,bioshock, Mass effect,..... to brag about but this year they brag about Braid and portal:still alive,geometry wars,,,,, lool(mini online games)


Some day you'll get over the fact you picked the wrong choice this gen and the rage will subside.

In the meanwhile, yeah... XBLA is a fountain of awesomeness. 90+ AAA games for 12$.

Btw, once I'm done with Fable 2 I'm buying up geometry wars 2. I've put way too many hours on the demo lol.


na,,I was just pointing the difference in expectation from 360 crowd,,,last year they were all great games and i accept that but this year is only gears 2 imo ,,the rest is just there to fill the empty hole.(unlike bioshock,halo 3,Mass Effect,orange box,forza 2,... for last year)


To me this year's MS line up is big dissapointment COMPARED to their last year,,,,,hence people hype up online mini games,,instead of proper full game with proper story line.


No, you are bitter because your dear ps3 isn't the premium gaming console anymore.

Speaking about exclusives, Lost Odyssey? Ninja Gaiden 2? Fable 2? Gears 2? Race Pro? Banjo Three? Tales of Vesperia?

The point is that 360 users get BOTH the multibillion big name titles and the innovative and critically acclaimed XBLA games. Quality AAA games with high production values for 60$, quality AAA games with innovative and polished gameplay for 12$. Big, big win.

But hey, do not despair yet. Someday Sony will deliver. Heck, it might be sooner than you think... Afrika has just released!

lol what is that ,,I ahve never heard that before.

we are going way off topic but I will answer this and leave it at that,,,,


Sony's line up this year is much better than last year where as is not the same thing with MS .You have to be a blind MS worshiper to tell me that 360's this year line up is better than last year,,,if we wanna talk online games wipe out Hd ,super dust HD,pixel junk monster,Rand Clank :Q for B,Siren ,last guy,fat pricess all say hi,,,but I m more intrested in full proper games like Mass effect, bioshock ,forza 2 ,....(what 360 offered last year)

but I guess I hit a nerve when I stated the truth




DOATS1 said:
gebx said:

Its of comparison of replay value and fun... ?


 would you compare geo wars to halo 3? or gears of war? both "aaa" yet only give you 6-8 hours of gameplay with very little replay value. are they in the same boat as mgs4?

it's a stupi comparison. any arcade title can give you hours of replay. that's what they're there for, because it's all about nothcing up a top score, which never ends technically. same goes with sshd and pixel junk monsters. once again; stupid comparison.


you do know that Gears and Halo have multiplayer right?? they also have coop modes?

I honestly have no idea how many hours I've played those two games.. but it sure as hell is alot more then 6-8 hours.

Proud Member of GAIBoWS (Gamers Against Irrational Bans of Weezy & Squilliam)


gebx said:
DOATS1 said:
gebx said:

Its of comparison of replay value and fun... ?


 would you compare geo wars to halo 3? or gears of war? both "aaa" yet only give you 6-8 hours of gameplay with very little replay value. are they in the same boat as mgs4?

it's a stupi comparison. any arcade title can give you hours of replay. that's what they're there for, because it's all about nothcing up a top score, which never ends technically. same goes with sshd and pixel junk monsters. once again; stupid comparison.


you do know that Gears and Halo have multiplayer right?? they also have coop modes?

I honestly have no idea how many hours I've played those two games.. but it sure as hell is alot more then 6-8 hours.

you do know that mgs4 has multiplayer right??


DOATS1 said:
gebx said:
DOATS1 said:
gebx said:

Its of comparison of replay value and fun... ?


 would you compare geo wars to halo 3? or gears of war? both "aaa" yet only give you 6-8 hours of gameplay with very little replay value. are they in the same boat as mgs4?

it's a stupi comparison. any arcade title can give you hours of replay. that's what they're there for, because it's all about nothcing up a top score, which never ends technically. same goes with sshd and pixel junk monsters. once again; stupid comparison.


you do know that Gears and Halo have multiplayer right?? they also have coop modes?

I honestly have no idea how many hours I've played those two games.. but it sure as hell is alot more then 6-8 hours.

you do know that mgs4 has multiplayer right??


Yeah, but it's pretty broken. The konami ID doesn't help either.

Around the Network
Mirson said:

Yeah, but it's pretty broken. The konami ID doesn't help either.


not from what i've played it's not. the konami id is a pain, but you do that once.

DOATS1 said:
Mirson said:

Yeah, but it's pretty broken. The konami ID doesn't help either.


not from what i've played it's not. the konami id is a pain, but you do that once.


hehe, and then Konami apologized for releasing the online portion..

Proud Member of GAIBoWS (Gamers Against Irrational Bans of Weezy & Squilliam)


DOATS1 said:
Mirson said:

Yeah, but it's pretty broken. The konami ID doesn't help either.


not from what i've played it's not. the konami id is a pain, but you do that once.

My problems with MGO online are the body damage among other things. It's pretty terrible. I had to shot some guy 5 times in the torso for him to die, and I was pretty close to him. Maps aren't good, imo, except for Groznyj Grad and another one. I get disconnected 80% of the time when I'm in a game. Maybe it's something from my end. When I respawn, my character falls to the ground and dies. WTF?

OT: Good for 360 owners. Viva la 360.

Mirson said:
DOATS1 said:
Mirson said:

Yeah, but it's pretty broken. The konami ID doesn't help either.


not from what i've played it's not. the konami id is a pain, but you do that once.

My problems with MGO online are the body damage among other things. It's pretty terrible. I had to shot some guy 5 times in the torso for him to die, and I was pretty close to him. Maps aren't good, imo, except for Groznyj Grad and another one. I get disconnected 80% of the time when I'm in a game. Maybe it's something from my end. When I respawn, my character falls to the ground and dies. WTF?

OT: Good for 360 owners. Viva la 360.


I remember threads when that video was released showing the man cannon thing.  They were like "OMG MGS online is l33t!?!?!".

I approve of this thread.

I am about to update my sig sometime in the next day or two. I'm just letting everything settle where it is too be sure.

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS