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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Starcrafts signature will shine! Xbox 360 will have > 20 90+ games xmas 09?

SpartanFX said:
you know what really is sad,,,last year 360 owners had halo3 ,bioshock, Mass effect,..... to brag about but this year they brag about Braid and portal:still alive,geometry wars,,,,, lool(mini online games)



LOL stop crying we got gears 2 and fable 2 also so get over and buy a 360 if you want some games there so maney good ones =)

Proud Owner of  a Wii and Xbox 360 and a PS3(When I get the money)

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And on topic yeah X360 will have 20 9+ games and PS3 will pass 10 I guess...Kind of funny how many Wii fanboys laughed about the amount of PS3 +9 games while the PS3 has more of them now...

Skeeuk said:
Squilliam said:
Million said:
I'm curious , does the 90+ rating improve the gameplay experience for you than a 89.9 game ? . Does a 89 rating cause some of the games coding to go faulty causing framrate problems and pop in issues ?. I guess opinion is most weapon for fanboys.

This obsession with 90+ Ratings is pointless and your probably only pushing it so hard because the XBOX 360 has the most 90+ rated games out of the 3, in truth I still think other consoles offer better gaming libarys regardless of what the reviewers give.

Uncharted 88
BloomBox 85
Ratchet and Clank 89
Resistance Fall of Man 86
Motorstorm 82 .

All the above are excellent games (10/10) imo but none scorred 90+ aggregate.

Bioshock 96

Portal 91

Call of Duty 4 94

Forza Motorsport 2 90

Braid 93

Would be considered an awesome collection, and they also all deservedly scored 90+ ratings. Whereas the games you listed had flaws which prevented them from reaching the same rating.

Hey I like to keep an eye on the scores. Its an awesome discovery to find another awesome game out there, and without Metacritic I would have missed out on quite a few gems - especially from the previous generations Like ICO and Shadow of the Collossus.


flippin heck this is getting confusing, portal is a better game than forza motorsport 2? a flagship racer is a lesser off game than an expansion pack?

i know you always put out metacritic list it certainly shows 360 having a higher collection of 90+ aggregated games out there but...................... just one question below

Blue Dragon

Condemned 2: Bloodshot

Condemned: Criminal Origins

Crash of the Titans

Dead Rising

Eternal Sonata

Kameo: Elements of Power

Lost Odyssey

Perfect Dark Zero

Spider-Man: Friend or Foe


can we have a confirmation from you that portal and braid should be purchased over the collection shown above^

because as you are putting it, a metacritic higher score makes that specific game lol the better game for the gamer.


Not played Braid but I have only heard positives things. Heck I have played some free flash games better than some of those up there. The only game above I consider better than Braid and Portal is Dead Rising ... I think it got a lower score because of the save system though.


SpartanFX said:
you know what really is sad,,,last year 360 owners had halo3 ,bioshock, Mass effect,..... to brag about but this year they brag about Braid and portal:still alive,geometry wars,,,,, lool(mini online games)


Some day you'll get over the fact you picked the wrong choice this gen and the rage will subside.

In the meanwhile, yeah... XBLA is a fountain of awesomeness. 90+ AAA games for 12$.

Btw, once I'm done with Fable 2 I'm buying up geometry wars 2. I've put way too many hours on the demo lol.

Current-gen game collection uploaded on the profile, full of win and good games; also most of my PC games. Lucasfilm Games/LucasArts 1982-2008 (Requiescat In Pace).

gebx said:
SpartanFX said:
you know what really is sad,,,last year 360 owners had halo3 ,bioshock, Mass effect,..... to brag about but this year they brag about Braid and portal:still alive,geometry wars,,,,, lool(mini online games)


I've probably spent 60+ hours playing geometry wars... how many hours have you spent playing MGS4?


 that's a very stupid comparison. why would you compare those two games?

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Bitmap Frogs said:
SpartanFX said:
you know what really is sad,,,last year 360 owners had halo3 ,bioshock, Mass effect,..... to brag about but this year they brag about Braid and portal:still alive,geometry wars,,,,, lool(mini online games)


Some day you'll get over the fact you picked the wrong choice this gen and the rage will subside.

In the meanwhile, yeah... XBLA is a fountain of awesomeness. 90+ AAA games for 12$.

Btw, once I'm done with Fable 2 I'm buying up geometry wars 2. I've put way too many hours on the demo lol.


na,,I was just pointing the difference in expectation from 360 crowd,,,last year they were all great games and i accept that but this year is only gears 2 imo ,,the rest is just there to fill the empty hole.(unlike bioshock,halo 3,Mass Effect,orange box,forza 2,... for last year)


To me this year's MS line up is big dissapointment COMPARED to their last year,,,,,hence people hype up online mini games,,instead of proper full game with proper story line.




DOATS1 said:
gebx said:
SpartanFX said:
you know what really is sad,,,last year 360 owners had halo3 ,bioshock, Mass effect,..... to brag about but this year they brag about Braid and portal:still alive,geometry wars,,,,, lool(mini online games)


I've probably spent 60+ hours playing geometry wars... how many hours have you spent playing MGS4?


 that's a very stupid comparison. why would you compare those two games?



becuse they are both AAA games silly

Proud Owner of  a Wii and Xbox 360 and a PS3(When I get the money)

DOATS1 said:
gebx said:
SpartanFX said:
you know what really is sad,,,last year 360 owners had halo3 ,bioshock, Mass effect,..... to brag about but this year they brag about Braid and portal:still alive,geometry wars,,,,, lool(mini online games)


I've probably spent 60+ hours playing geometry wars... how many hours have you spent playing MGS4?


 that's a very stupid comparison. why would you compare those two games?


Its of comparison of replay value and fun... ?

Proud Member of GAIBoWS (Gamers Against Irrational Bans of Weezy & Squilliam)


SpartanFX said:
Bitmap Frogs said:
SpartanFX said:
you know what really is sad,,,last year 360 owners had halo3 ,bioshock, Mass effect,..... to brag about but this year they brag about Braid and portal:still alive,geometry wars,,,,, lool(mini online games)


Some day you'll get over the fact you picked the wrong choice this gen and the rage will subside.

In the meanwhile, yeah... XBLA is a fountain of awesomeness. 90+ AAA games for 12$.

Btw, once I'm done with Fable 2 I'm buying up geometry wars 2. I've put way too many hours on the demo lol.


na,,I was just pointing the difference in expectation from 360 crowd,,,last year they were all great games and i accept that but this year is only gears 2 imo ,,the rest is just there to fill the empty hole.(unlike bioshock,halo 3,Mass Effect,orange box,forza 2,... for last year)


To me this year's MS line up is big dissapointment COMPARED to their last year,,,,,hence people hype up online mini games,,instead of proper full game with proper story line.

Fable 2 not just gears stop forgeeting that

Proud Owner of  a Wii and Xbox 360 and a PS3(When I get the money)

SpartanFX said:
Bitmap Frogs said:
SpartanFX said:
you know what really is sad,,,last year 360 owners had halo3 ,bioshock, Mass effect,..... to brag about but this year they brag about Braid and portal:still alive,geometry wars,,,,, lool(mini online games)


Some day you'll get over the fact you picked the wrong choice this gen and the rage will subside.

In the meanwhile, yeah... XBLA is a fountain of awesomeness. 90+ AAA games for 12$.

Btw, once I'm done with Fable 2 I'm buying up geometry wars 2. I've put way too many hours on the demo lol.


na,,I was just pointing the difference in expectation from 360 crowd,,,last year they were all great games and i accept that but this year is only gears 2 imo ,,the rest is just there to fill the empty hole.(unlike bioshock,halo 3,Mass Effect,orange box,forza 2,... for last year)


To me this year's MS line up is big dissapointment COMPARED to their last year,,,,,hence people hype up online mini games,,instead of proper full game with proper story line.


No, you are bitter because your dear ps3 isn't the premium gaming console anymore.

Speaking about exclusives, Lost Odyssey? Ninja Gaiden 2? Fable 2? Gears 2? Race Pro? Banjo Three? Tales of Vesperia?

The point is that 360 users get BOTH the multibillion big name titles and the innovative and critically acclaimed XBLA games. Quality AAA games with high production values for 60$, quality AAA games with innovative and polished gameplay for 12$. Big, big win.

But hey, do not despair yet. Someday Sony will deliver. Heck, it might be sooner than you think... Afrika has just released!

Current-gen game collection uploaded on the profile, full of win and good games; also most of my PC games. Lucasfilm Games/LucasArts 1982-2008 (Requiescat In Pace).