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Forums - Sony Discussion - Could PS3 top Xbox 360 by this Christmas?

If the PS3 outsells the 360 in US, then the possibility is there. That is pretty doubtful though. Upfront cost is now a very decisive factor for the consumers due to the economy crisis. The lineup for both consoles are almost on par, unless Resistance 2 bombs.

PS3 most likely will outsell the 360 in others. The 360 is currently a third of the price of the PS3 and still floundering. There are apparently no major titles in sight that might bolster the 360 this holiday season.

The situation in Japan is uncertain. Unless either The Last Remnant or White Knight Chronicles reaps in stellar reviews, do not expect huge numbers. We will have to wait and see what happens.

Basically the PS3 will need absolute dominance in US and others throughout the holiday season.

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jagenjg said:

Nah... there is no way.  Total PS3 sales will not catch up until 360 is discontinued.  The gap has always been around 5 million, and it will continue to stay that way until then.

I realize that sounds very fanboyish, but it is honest.  The gap has been about the same since the PS3's birth.

Yes, but the PS3 started a 600$ and went to 400$ and 500$. The 360 has always been cheaper and now it is at a price where everyone sho wants to get it will get. PS3 on the other hand hasnt been in that mass market target Audience yet. The fact that the PS3 was outselling 360 for Most of this year an is keeping up with 360 shows that PS3 demand >>> or Equal to 360. The Sony Brand is Strong. Bring on the Price cut in Spring 09 SONY!

I would rather laugh at cancer sufferers than even consider believing it could happen.

The X360 would have to sell next to bugger-all over the holidays and the PS3 would have to outsell the Wii for that to happen.

TruckOSaurus said:

You have to be more precise in what you're asking. Because for weekly sales the answer is "Yes it's possible" if you're asking about lifetime to date sales the answer is "Are you out of your fucking mind?"



No way!

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Could would, more like should and will.

Its already beating the 360 in EU (biggest games market), it will only get worse form here on. Slowly but surely 360 is losing its sales advantage in NA.

ps3 will outsell X360 in others, it will stay the same in japan and usa. In total sales that is

in japan and europe yes.

in the US it will be close.



Easily! With a little help of


Face the future.. Gamecenter ID: nikkom_nl (oh no he didn't!!)