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Forums - General Discussion - McCain really impopular in Europe!

According to a newsgroup in France called France 24 that has checked people's opinions in 5 large European countries, McCain is totally unwanted as the new president of the United States.

The newsgroup has published numbers that are quite the opposite of the neck-a-neck race that is due in the USA in the coming days.


France: 1% McCain // 99% Obama.

Germany: 5% McCain // 95% Obama.

Italy: 12% McCain // 88% Obama.

UK: 11% McCain // 89% Obama.

Spain: 8% McCain // 92% Obama.


Quite a contrast I though, so... What do you think? 


And btw: I want Obama to win! !


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In Europe we like people who move things forward not those who want to either keep us where we are or even take a step back. So i think this is valid, in Europe guns aren't a big deal, abortion is legal, religion is a non issue, government has a lot of control compared to the US so all these things McCain and republicans stand for is disliked by Europeans.

yup, In europe McCain isn't popular, he just doesn't have that european style of politics. He isnt liberal enough, he doesn't want to move forwards, he is happy being a carbon copy of previous presidents and so on.

Also we in Europe like change. And pretty much what Auron said in his post.

I wouldn't be surprised if that was how it was with most elections. The Republican candidate will never be as popular as the Democrat candidate because the Democrat candidate leans liberal, and most of Europe is pretty liberal. I'd say that the reason the disparity is so incredibly large in this election is because, let's face it, the Bush administration was not very popular in Europe. If there are millions of people in America who can't understand the difference between Bush and McCain, what can we expect out of people an ocean away?



By the way use unpopular, not impopular lol

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lol. that doesn't surprise me one bit considering that many European "conservative" parties are more liberal than the American Democratic party...

Not trying to be a fanboy. Of course, it's hard when you own the best console eve... dang it

I think Sarah Palin does not help at all. Most of the press here seem to think that it is over

If you did the same in Africa.... i'd imaginge you'd find most people supporting McCain.

It's all a matter of what president would best serve the interests of their countries... not the US.

I wonder who the head of the UN supports.

On the one hand, he hates republican US military polcies.

However on the other hand, the number one issue the UN has right now is the Global Food Crisis and Obama is set to make the Global Food Crisis catastrophically worse.

Kasz216 said:
If you did the same in Africa.... i'd imaginge you'd find most people supporting McCain.

It's all a matter of what president would best serve the interests of their countries... not the US.

I wonder who the head of the UN supports.

On the one hand, he hates republican US military polcies.

However on the other hand, the number one issue the UN has right now is the Global Food Crisis and Obama is set to make the Global Food Crisis catastrophically worse.

You keep on saying this. Your theory has attracted my curiosity. Please explain.



MontanaHatchet said:
Kasz216 said:
If you did the same in Africa.... i'd imaginge you'd find most people supporting McCain.

It's all a matter of what president would best serve the interests of their countries... not the US.

I wonder who the head of the UN supports.

On the one hand, he hates republican US military polcies.

However on the other hand, the number one issue the UN has right now is the Global Food Crisis and Obama is set to make the Global Food Crisis catastrophically worse.

You keep on saying this. Your theory has attracted my curiosity. Please explain.

I wouldent stay up waiting for that explanation :))

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