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Forums - Gaming Discussion - PS3 Fanboys Strike Back: Gears 2 Metacritic User Score Lowered to 4.1

"LMAO, the Wii fans must get pretty bored nobody bothers insulting them"

Nah, it's fun watching from the sidelines.
I agree with the post that said watching the fanboys duke it out is more amusing the the games we play (except maybe for Galaxy or Brawl :P).

I remember when the Wii and PS3 were released, it was mainly the Wii and PS3 fanboys going at it while the 360 ones just watched.

I don't remember any generation before this being nearly this bad or childish >.


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Kantor said:
Soriku said:
Xen said:
PS3 fanboys > 360 fanboys confirmed :)


Don't worry, this means WAR! The 360 fanboys will now attack R2 and LBP even more!

And Wii fanboys laugh it up. ^_^


How could you forget your leader, megaman2?


DAMN! I'm off to attack... Wii Music? LOL it's already at 3.6 user score!

Laugh it up indeed...

EDIT: Gears 2 is at 2.4! This is just getting ridiculous now.

difference being it's nintendo fanboys themselves who's voted wii music down XD atleast that's what i think


Check out my game about moles ^

lol funny

now its 2.5 .. its will reach 1.0 soon lol.

I'm surprised Metacritic hasn't just suspended rating votes temporarily.

Around the Network
NNN2004 said:
now its 2.5 .. its will reach 1.0 soon lol.


lol, it's gotta be a bot dude. No group on the internet is that persistant.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


ZenfoldorVGI said:
NNN2004 said:
now its 2.5 .. its will reach 1.0 soon lol.


lol, it's gotta be a bot dude. No group on the internet is that persistant.


 lol true

ZenfoldorVGI said:
NNN2004 said:
now its 2.5 .. its will reach 1.0 soon lol.


lol, it's gotta be a bot dude. No group on the internet is that persistant.

There's only a couple thousand votes, the majority just happen to be 1.


ofcourse this was bound to happen with all the "news" about that matter in every gaming forum

edit: I guess the only one who profits from it is metacritic, for I expect page views to thrive because of this...      humm.. did someone already mention, that metacritic might have incited this to get the fanboys onboard?

I'm going to join the frey, but for both sides, so as to ignite this even further.