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Forums - General Discussion - What's better - Waffles or Pancakes???

What's better, and why?

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Waffles, my reasoning is it can actually hold the syrup and tastes better.


mmmm. I would have to go with waffles too, I can eat more waffles than pancakes in one sitting. Tastes great with peanut butter and syrup.

Waffles, for the reasons stated above.

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Tag courtesy of fkusumot: Joeykanga - "Just post something once, don't ruin the thread"

waffles, not just for syrup/toppings capacity, but also because even using the same ingredients, the texture of the waffle also changes how it tastes and keeps it from getting old as quickly.

Seriously, try it sometime. I've eaten pancakes numerous times, and I can usually get through 3 large pancakes, maximum, by the end I'm usually sick f them, even if I'm still hungry, I don't want anymore, syrup or not. Waffles though? I could eat those all freaking day and never get tired of them.

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Waffles... for all the reasons above.

Waffles... they go well with anything.

Jelly, syrup, peanut butter... everything.

What types of Pancakes? If you mean the ones that they have in the US then neither, if you mean the ones that they have in a lot of places in Europe (Crepes I think you call them) then those.

Tag(thx fkusumot) - "Yet again I completely fail to see your point..."

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Pancakes, they are far more versatile