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Forums - Sales Discussion - I fail to see this 'XboX 360 boost' in sales..after the price drop

TheTruthHurts! said:
blackstar said:
TheTruthHurts! said:
Well, the MS entertainment division just posted a "Profit" for last quarter due to increased 360 sales and Live sales. "Huhh, during the recent price cut, you say??"....... Yes!! "But, but, but, I thought MS was going to lose money due to the price cut, not gain a large profit.....hmmmmm....?????"

Great job MS....XD, keep it up.


nope nope nope

the price effect is to be seen on their profits next quarter not this one

         Linky please.... :P, not that I dont believe you, I just would like clarification, as others will most likely, as well.  Even fox news is reporting stock increases and profit for MS.  Either way, MS is on the up, rather than the down....and that is a good thing!


no it's ok :)

i have no link but the one above , i don't know if it's enough but it makes perfect sense


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There probably just trying to squeeze by in 2nd place while they make the next xbox, IMO they completely fucked the 360 this gen with the huge RROD problem, there just trying to get market share from sony, so the 3rd xbox will rape hard.

Just like there doing with the vista there trying to ignore how much it blows so they can release windows 7 which will roxorz.

TheTruthHurts! said:

^^ oh, thank you for link blackstar!....oh and he did say the "full effect" of the price cut, because the cut came early in the quarter.  So the quarter, does reflect the price cut, just not completely. 



we will have to wait and see what's next :)

I think the price cut will have a cumulative affect over the long run, especially during slow seasons, but as the holiday season matures there will probably be more impulse buying, most likely the cheaper arcade model. It'll be interesting to see what affect Gow2 and Fable 2 will have on it. When these big titles are out that 200 dollar pricetag especially in America will be too hot to pass up. Don't forget that a couple of months ago 360 was getting beat in all 3 markets, but I knew that wasn't going to last long. I thnk they've accomplished what they wanted


Because there isn't any. Actually this time last year in the World its not even at the same sales. Less by about 20,000 units. That's a problem.

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to be fair, we dont have Halo3 this year ...

Time to Work !

No you have hardware at silly prices


 assumption is the mother of all f**k ups 

I think it had above a 70% increase from August to September, so it worked and you'll notice the real effect during November and December when most of the buying occurs.

I don't see a huge difference, and in the end all I think they accomplished is holding Sony off for an extra few months, and in the grand scheme of things a few months really isn't all that big. I think it was a fool hardy move on MS's part. the extra profits they through away are just silly. the only cut that made sense to me at all was in NA. the Euro one was just rediculous and is beginning to show, and honestly Nothinmg they do in japan is going to make a difference long term. in the end everyones opinion is going to be based on what respective side of the fence they are sitting on, and most of those who are sitting on the fence could care less.

The price cut will have a an affect over he christmas season when mom is out and sees a $200.00 xbox and a $400.00 PS3 and maes the choice. The cut was well timed for a boost for a few months and we will see but hopefully a boost over cristmas when the most hardware is sold.

PS3, WII and 360 all great systems depends on what type of console player you are.

Currently playing Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2, Fallout 3, Halo ODST and Dragon Age Origins is next game

Xbox live:mywiferocks