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Forums - Sony Discussion - LBP is Sony's last chance to pull ahead


Sony will be second because of the brandname and some exclusive game like GT5.

It will NOT DESTROY the xbox360, but Sony will be second.

you will see.

Time to Work !

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Gnizmo said:
GodofWine said:
R2 / KZ2 / GOW3 / GT5 / MS2 /etc are all reasons why LBP is not Sony's 'last' chance...Sony isn't pulling an epic fail like people think..they have a nice orderly line of big titles flowing in now.

Oh, and a price cut (which will not happen thanks to international exchange rates) would be huge...can you imagine if they dropped to $299...or lower (but they arent)

  The fact that you would equate any of the games on your list to the power GT5 potentially has is laughable.

I meant all those games as a whole, as in building a very attractive library to entice buyers to say 'hey, the PS3 has tons of awesome games' .  I agree, a GT5 release trumps all them when each is considered alone.  I bought my PS1 and PS2 just to buy GT1 and 4(?) .

KZ2 might just have potential to make a massive splash if its as good as the beta testers are implying (even though the NDA lets them say almost nothing)


PSN: TheGodofWine (Warhawk / R2 / MotorStorm PR)


PSN: Skigazzi (for KZ2 and future games)

Paul_Warren said:
LBP isn't Sony's last chance to pull ahead. The PS3 will pass the 360 in 09 and the Wii by Holiday 2010.

Disillusionment -

: to free from illusion ; also : to cause to lose naive faith and trust ; also : ^^^ this.
dis·il·lu·sion·ment \-ˈlü-zhən-mənt\ noun


I'd disagree.

A 299 or 199 price point would be Sony's last chance to pull ahead, not a single game. No single game can change the way things are rolling this console generation.

Concerning your 'PS3 = 3rd place' belief, I'd wait before calling that out. As previously stated, PS360 aren't even priced similarly yet.

radha said:
Final-Fan said:
No, LBP is not Sony's last chance to pull ahead. The PS3 can and will slowly grind its way in front of the 360 even without it. But if LBP is a humongous success, it just might give the PS3 a big enough boost to make it get 2nd place considerably ahead of schedule.
*xfiles music sound in the background*

i want to belive

Excuse me?  What do you think is crazy about that?  I'm not saying it's going to put rocket boosters on and pass the 360 by March, and I'm not saying LBP will definitely be that big a success.  If you think I'm wrong, do better than "crazy person lol".

Tag (courtesy of fkusumot): "Please feel free -- nay, I encourage you -- to offer rebuttal."
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My advice to fanboys: Brag about stuff that's true, not about stuff that's false. Predict stuff that's likely, not stuff that's unlikely. You will be happier, and we will be happier.

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I have the most epic death scene ever in VGChartz Mafia.  Thanks WordsofWisdom! 

Around the Network
Gnizmo said:

Grey Acumen said:

Oh no, I'm not going so far as to say it's going to be THE defining factor. I'm just claiming that it will essentially be the litmus test for the survivability of creativity on the PS3 console. If it succeeds, it will set the precedent that other "creative" games can also succeed, but if it flops, then following "creative" games will also likely flop for the same reasons, such as price point too high, PS3 has been glutted with "hardcore" gamers, thus casual games won't do well, development costs too high to take the risks, etc.

If creative games can succeed on the PS3 console, then it will be able to break away from being viewed as simply the same thing as the 360, who has already stated that they are trying to break away from their hardcore image, which I frankly have not seen them do successfully. If the PS3 can break away from that, I think it will be able to surpass 360 in sales, but if it can't, then it will remain trailing.

That's just simply the way I see it. It's not that LBP will be THE deciding factor in this, but that you will be able to predict future trends based on how well this survives.

 Again you areblowing the games importance way out of proportion. This isn't going to be a litmus test for "creative" games. It will be a litmus test for "games like Little Big Planet." Future ambitious projects are not going to looks diretly at Little Big Planet for possible success for varying really good reasons. A FPS is not a good litmus test for a RPG. Little Big Planet will not be a good litmus test for games that are not similar to it. The creativity of future products will depend on the instal base of the console and the likely hood of the game selling enough copies to actually see a decent return on investment.

I'm afraid you've misunderstood me. When I say litmus test, I'm not talking about developers sticking their fingers in the wind to see what games they should develop. They'll continue to develop what they're already developing and start developing whatever they're going to develop. This litmus test is for US, the people on this site who are tracking sales and are actually putting any weight on whether a console sells the most or not.

Seriously, LBP is the best example I've seen of a highly anticipated PS3 game that isn't 3, 2, 4, 5 or 13, and out of all of these, it's the only one that isn't hyper realistic and is whimsical in nature. This may not tell us excatly how well every single future "creative" game will fair, but it will be a reference point to work from.

The other point I hold, is that no single game or pricecut or anything of that nature is going to push PS3 up ahead of 360. The only way I see for PS3 to pass 360 is be seperating itself as being distinctly different in nature from the 360. The best chance I see for the PS3 to do this is in showing itself off as being capable of both hardcore AND whimsical, which will require whimsical and creative games to do well.

And as I said, Little Big Planet will not do this on its own or inspire other developers to be creative and whimsical, BUT by seeing how well this game performs, we will have a fairly reasonable point to work from when trying to calculate how any other creative and whimsical games will do, nd from that, how good a chance PS3 has from distinguishing itself from 360 in this manner.

Seppukuties is like LBP Lite, on crack. Play it already!

Currently wrapped up in: Half Life, Portal, and User Created Source Mods
Games I want: (Wii)Mario Kart, Okami, Bully, Conduit,  No More Heroes 2 (GC) Eternal Darkness, Killer7, (PS2) Ico, God of War1&2, Legacy of Kain: SR2&Defiance

My Prediction: Wii will be achieve 48% market share by the end of 2008, and will achieve 50% by the end of june of 09. Prediction Failed.

<- Click to see more of her


GodofWine said:

I meant all those games as a whole, as in building a very attractive library to entice buyers to say 'hey, the PS3 has tons of awesome games' .  I agree, a GT5 release trumps all them when each is considered alone.  I bought my PS1 and PS2 just to buy GT1 and 4(?) .

KZ2 might just have potential to make a massive splash if its as good as the beta testers are implying (even though the NDA lets them say almost nothing)

 GT5 trumps them all combined. Kill Zone 2 sounds promising but it has some hurdles to overcome beyond simply being a great game. The FPS is a very well represented genre on the PS3. Consequenly you will see far fewer people jump onto the console just for that game than you would without things like Resistance, Call of Duty 4, etc. The game could sell well past my expectations, but a huge splash is extremely unlikely as the game is in a well represented genre for the console. I am not saying it will make no difference, but it will not be a megaton (for sales of the PS3) long term.

If we are talking about this forum then Little Big Planet is far from the "last chance." Nearly every exclusive gets hyped to being the title that will make the PS3 dominate the sales charts. Hell, Lair was put up on that pedastal for a long time. The people who are being realistic will admit that no one game can save a system. Never has happened, and probably never will happen*. The PS3 has already shown it can outsell the 360 for extended periods of time without the aid of whimsical and creative games by simply being more appealing to the hardcore crowd. Both are desperately vying for whatever piece of the "casual" pie they can get and anything the PS3 does to get a leg up will be cloned by the 360 in a matter of time and vice versa.

*[To those of you who are already typing out responses for FFVII or Monster Hunter 2 please save yourself the time and don't. There were a number of factors outside of those games (already being the dominant console and a new model respectively) that influenced the sales far more.]

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229

the game have a online,

it have a good lasting appeal, i still play metal gear online at least an hour a day.
ands thats a shooter games i that don't used to like

Your forgetting that Gran Turismo 5 is coming out in 2009. That should move consoles.

"last chance"? People are dumb..... Gran Turismo 5? Home? What about all the unannounced games that you don't know about? New features that you don't know about?

Kind of early in the game to call it last chance? Especially when the PS3 can outsell the 360 with nothing big being released.