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GodofWine said:

I meant all those games as a whole, as in building a very attractive library to entice buyers to say 'hey, the PS3 has tons of awesome games' .  I agree, a GT5 release trumps all them when each is considered alone.  I bought my PS1 and PS2 just to buy GT1 and 4(?) .

KZ2 might just have potential to make a massive splash if its as good as the beta testers are implying (even though the NDA lets them say almost nothing)

 GT5 trumps them all combined. Kill Zone 2 sounds promising but it has some hurdles to overcome beyond simply being a great game. The FPS is a very well represented genre on the PS3. Consequenly you will see far fewer people jump onto the console just for that game than you would without things like Resistance, Call of Duty 4, etc. The game could sell well past my expectations, but a huge splash is extremely unlikely as the game is in a well represented genre for the console. I am not saying it will make no difference, but it will not be a megaton (for sales of the PS3) long term.

If we are talking about this forum then Little Big Planet is far from the "last chance." Nearly every exclusive gets hyped to being the title that will make the PS3 dominate the sales charts. Hell, Lair was put up on that pedastal for a long time. The people who are being realistic will admit that no one game can save a system. Never has happened, and probably never will happen*. The PS3 has already shown it can outsell the 360 for extended periods of time without the aid of whimsical and creative games by simply being more appealing to the hardcore crowd. Both are desperately vying for whatever piece of the "casual" pie they can get and anything the PS3 does to get a leg up will be cloned by the 360 in a matter of time and vice versa.

*[To those of you who are already typing out responses for FFVII or Monster Hunter 2 please save yourself the time and don't. There were a number of factors outside of those games (already being the dominant console and a new model respectively) that influenced the sales far more.]

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229