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Gnizmo said:
GodofWine said:
R2 / KZ2 / GOW3 / GT5 / MS2 /etc are all reasons why LBP is not Sony's 'last' chance...Sony isn't pulling an epic fail like people think..they have a nice orderly line of big titles flowing in now.

Oh, and a price cut (which will not happen thanks to international exchange rates) would be huge...can you imagine if they dropped to $299...or lower (but they arent)

  The fact that you would equate any of the games on your list to the power GT5 potentially has is laughable.

I meant all those games as a whole, as in building a very attractive library to entice buyers to say 'hey, the PS3 has tons of awesome games' .  I agree, a GT5 release trumps all them when each is considered alone.  I bought my PS1 and PS2 just to buy GT1 and 4(?) .

KZ2 might just have potential to make a massive splash if its as good as the beta testers are implying (even though the NDA lets them say almost nothing)


PSN: TheGodofWine (Warhawk / R2 / MotorStorm PR)


PSN: Skigazzi (for KZ2 and future games)