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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - The Official Fable 2 Review thread!

Counti said:

Thats interesting (IGN scores from fable 1 & 2):

Fable 1
10 Presentation
A true storybook game, the fresco-painting cut-scenes are a perfect idea and the controls are very intuitive. Albion is a very dense world that has a rich history.

9.0 Graphics
Beautiful environments and great details on your character. The bloom lighting is a nice touch of the fantastic and the magic looks great. Occasional framerate drops and repetitive NPC skins hurt.

9.0 Sound
Beautiful opening score from Danny Elfman and plenty of great voice dialogue. Some of the sounds get repetitive and I wish a few of the creatures sounded a bit more varied.

9.0 Gameplay
It's lost a lot of what would have made it revolutionary, but the combat is good and the game is still a lot of fun. Some of those NPC reactions are priceless. Great humor.

10 Lasting Appeal
Sure, the main adventure is short for an RPG, but there's reason enough to play again. Plus, the world is dense with secrets and fun stuff. It's great to just fool around for a while.

Fable 2

8.0 Presentation
The story is nothing special, but Albion is a believable world full of interesting people.

8.0 Graphics
The environments are impressive, and there’s a wide variety of looks for your character. The spells are visually potent.

8.5 Sound
Solid voice acting and a script packed with humor. The music takes some unexpected, but welcome, turns.

8.5 Gameplay
The combat system is a success and for the most part, the economic and morality systems work well, and the dog is a great addition. The co-op, though, is not up to par.

8.5 Lasting Appeal
The main quest is short, but there are numerous other distractions. If you invest yourself in Fable II, you can spend easily spend 30 hours in Albion. If not, you can truck through in under 10 hours.


So, overall, Fable 2 makes everything better then Fable 1, but gets a lower Score? Strange...

To be honest though expectations rise over time and some circumstances can cause games scores to be inflated from what they normally are or should be.  Even though to some Fable 1 disappointed it generally brought some fresh ideas to the genre so I can see why it received very good reviews from some places and because of hype levels poor ones from others.

This isn't the case for Fable but another example would be launch titles and how they tend to get scored slightly higher than they should be.  PDZ got an 8.4 from IGN.  Games like Brothers in Arms got scores much lower.  Is PDZ a better game?  Other sequels to games got scores lower than their predecessor even though improvements were made (although some smaller than others).  Ghost Recon 2 and Rainbow Six Vegas 2 are two examples of that.  I think the logic that "X game received 1 score so an improved sequel should receive higher" is flawed.  The same way people compare scores for two totally different genres of games is also flawed. 

I hate even bringing an exclusive for another system into the arguement because it's bound to start flaming from ignorant fanboys but what would happen if Resistance 2 or Gears 2 got a score from IGN that was the same or lower than the first?  Does that mean the first game is better or just as good as the sequel?  To any logical person the answer would be of course not.  Clear improvements and additions have been made but taking a number at face value is a pretty narrow way to look at things.

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psh....I'm totally ready. Put me in coach!! c'mon, I can do it. I'm ready for the big leagues.



Machina-AX said:
DMeisterJ said:

Metacritic doesn't do any review. LBP has about fifty or so reviews in the LBP review thread, but Metacritic only had 19, and gamerankings has 14.

If that was the case, then why aren't VGC reviews on Metacritic?

We haven't applied yet. We're trying to bulk out our review database first, get a strong review team together and review most of the big name games asap. Getting the site's scores on sites like Metacritic is something we hope to achieve in the future but we're not ready yet.

Oh, this was no knock agains VGC, just that not any site can be on Metacritic, this was just one.  Like I said, there are 50 reviews for LBP out there, and only 20 (now) on Metacritic, versus 14 on Gamerankings.

^65 i think

good scores for this game im looking forward to it, lol at eurogamer review though

...not much time to post anymore, used to be awesome on here really good fond memories from VGchartz...

PSN: Skeeuk - XBL: SkeeUK - PC: Skeeuk

really miss the VGCHARTZ of 2008 - 2013...

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Both Metacritic and gamerankings apply some kind of criteria, I do not think they just average everything. Gamerankings for sure doesn't.

And yes the game appears to be delivering. I've said a hundred times and I'll repat as long as it's necessary: Molyneux is a visionary genius and whenever his concepts don't get in the way of gameplay he delivers in spades.

Current-gen game collection uploaded on the profile, full of win and good games; also most of my PC games. Lucasfilm Games/LucasArts 1982-2008 (Requiescat In Pace).

both 8/10

Time to Work !


All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

I am just waiting for the riots when 1UP give Fable 2 a B+, less than they gave Wii Music (A-).

masterb8tr said:
NNN2004 said:
masterb8tr said:
NNN2004 said:
prepare for sony fans attack now.

why? the game has very good scores.



yah but some sites give it a bad score also ..... 7.8 .. man its really bad for a AAA game.


nah there will always be idiots, some even gave haze a good score.

Also, I think 7.8 is the lowest score, so not a lot of sites gave it that. Only one.


I can't believe Eurogamer gave it a 10/10, lol.


Fable II's generous and forgiving template isn't one that many games choose to follow, but it proves convincingly that if you're clever enough, you can create a consistent challenge without resorting to mindless punishment, and you can craft a sharply told story that still has room for the player to express themselves within. Inclusive and often thought-provoking, this is a daring portrait of a game-world with all the failure cut out, and it's hard not to love a game that loves you so much in return. Fable II will charm you, thrill you, and leave you very, very happy.


I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.