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Machina-AX said:
DMeisterJ said:

Metacritic doesn't do any review. LBP has about fifty or so reviews in the LBP review thread, but Metacritic only had 19, and gamerankings has 14.

If that was the case, then why aren't VGC reviews on Metacritic?

We haven't applied yet. We're trying to bulk out our review database first, get a strong review team together and review most of the big name games asap. Getting the site's scores on sites like Metacritic is something we hope to achieve in the future but we're not ready yet.

Oh, this was no knock agains VGC, just that not any site can be on Metacritic, this was just one.  Like I said, there are 50 reviews for LBP out there, and only 20 (now) on Metacritic, versus 14 on Gamerankings.