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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Wich PS360 game looks worse than The Conduit?

According to the philosopher John Dewey the statement by username2324 can be seen as knowledge (might still be wrong though) and is considered such till you prove him wrong. That was fun:)
But now I'm being an ass:)

Edit: Oops. Didn't notice that this little argument was on the first page and we're now on the third.

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Griffin said:

Perfect dark 360? You are out of your mind, i've played this game for a decent amount of time and the Conduit has nothing on it.  And your first rule is laughable.

Perfrct Dark Zero had great graphics. I would say the early sports games and gundum for ps3.

masschamber said:
yep those xbox game screens certainly prove the xbox does indeed have a vertex shader
Fire Emblem looks better than spectral force 3 or Operation Darkness, and the conduit looks better than fire emblem, so the conduit looks better than atleast 2 xbox 360 games


 Whaaaaaat? Fire Emblem looks nicer than those 2 games? Pal I have it, the game graphics SUCKZ HARDZ!!!!

LOL, but ok, its your opinion :B


More, more, more!!!!

what rules?

if you mean the rules of math

the wii its not as powerful as the 360 and not less even compare it graphically with the ps3.

Jo21 said:
what rules?

if you mean the rules of math

the wii its not as powerful as the 360 and not less even compare it graphically with the ps3.

The rules in th first post josie whossie :B


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Spanx said:
masschamber said:
yep those xbox game screens certainly prove the xbox does indeed have a vertex shader
Fire Emblem looks better than spectral force 3 or Operation Darkness, and the conduit looks better than fire emblem, so the conduit looks better than atleast 2 xbox 360 games


Whaaaaaat? Fire Emblem looks nicer than those 2 games? Pal I have it, the game graphics SUCKZ HARDZ!!!!

LOL, but ok, its your opinion :B


More, more, more!!!!


It's because Spectral Force 3 and Operation Darkness look really, really, really really, really ..... really bad they are by far the 2 worst looking 360 retail games, plus somehow operation darkness actually has a broken camera system... in an srpg no less


NOW A PUNISHER CAB!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Spanx said:
@ DMeisterJ

Don't post against the rules. As EVERYBODY knows, Wii is a far cry from graphical power to HD consoles as those are a far cry to Wii when it comes to gameplay. This thread is to find PS360 games that look worse then TC. I just reminded about another one:

Tenhu Z from X360 looks worse :B

Oh RLY? That sir is a matter of opinion, I for example get tired of waggling my arm back and forth fairly fast, but I can play Warhawk for hours.....

Spanx said:


Some people already agreed that FEAR and Perfect Dark Zero look worse. You didn't :B

Gears in 3rd person view or 1st person view would have exactly the same graphics, so yea, we can compare games out of FPS genre.

And The Conduit graphics are still in the pre-alpha state!


Anyone who says that FEAR looks worse has either never played the game, or needs glasses. Everything about FEAR, from physics to lighting is better than the Conduit (That's why it requires a fairly decent computer to play at max settings, and looks pretty good on the consoles as well).

And second, I love how you keep waving this "ITS IN PRE ALPHA SO WE KNOW ITS GOING TO GET WAY WAY WAYYYY BETTER!" you have no evidence of this, and no way to judge just how much "better" its going to get.

I have owned a Wii for some time and then I got a 360. The first thing I noticed is how it doesn't look nearly half as good as people claim it does. It's probably be because I have a SD tv but the only games I find really good looking are Halo 3 and Assassin's Creed (well, from what I played). There are games that just look ugly. Soul Calibur IV look worse than Soul Calibur 3 on the PS2.

My conclusion: if you don't have a HD TV, the Xbox 360 graphics don't look that good.

How many cups of darkness have I drank over the years? Even I don't know...


Godot said:
I have owned a Wii for some time and then I got a 360. The first thing I noticed is how it doesn't look nearly half as good as people claim it does. It's probably be because I have a SD tv but the only games I find really good looking are Halo 3 and Assassin's Creed (well, from what I played). There are games that just look ugly. Soul Calibur IV look worse than Soul Calibur 3 on the PS2.

My conclusion: if you don't have a HD TV, the Xbox 360 graphics don't look that good.

Bingo! Ding-ding-ding-ding! We have a winner!

How can you expect to tell the difference between an SD console and an HD console if you have no HDTV? 480p doesn't have even half the detail of 720p.


@ Username2324

First your avatar looks really cute. Have a cat too, his name is Che Guevara. And thanks for your opinions in this thread :B

Have to put your posts in the other side of the crowd and update my percentage in the first post!! As far as I can get, things are pretty much balanced. Very good result for a pre-alpha FPS on the Wii :B